Brushing teeth can sound like a chore for kids at first. However, when you use certain approaches, you can get them to practice good oral hygiene, which they will carry on to adulthood. They need to keep their teeth in good shape to avoid dental health consequences later in life. And if you’re looking for the right dentist for them, you can call the family dentist in alhambra.
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Getting Kids to Brush Their Teeth
With that said, here are tips on how to get your kids to brush their teeth:
1.Practice as early as possible. If you want your child to practice good oral hygiene and get used to it, they should learn how to brush their teeth regularly at a young age. You can start even during infancy by using a damp cloth to clean their gums and then switch to baby toothbrushes when their first set of teeth come in.
Getting your little one used to these oral health practices can help them become less afraid of the dentist and become more accepting of the toothbrush and toothpaste routine.
2.Brush alongside them. One mistake that parents might make is that they don’t set a good example for their kids and just command them. If you want your child to do something, you have to lead the way by showing them that you brush your teeth (and they should, too!).
When kids see their parents doing something, there’s a big chance that they’ll copy it so it pays to be a role model for your little one.
3.Add fun and games while brushing. For instance, you can play songs so they can enjoy brushing their teeth without getting bored. Another option is to try toothbrushes for kids that have lights and sounds so they start and stop at 2 minutes or so. In this way, your little ones need to keep brushing until the lights and sounds disappear.
4.Use a storybook approach. Sometimes, you can also tell a story to your kids to get them to brush their teeth or encourage them. There are many storybooks out there that you can use to show kids how important it is to brush their teeth while having fun at the same time.
Instead of scaring them with strict and direct commands, conveying the message of the importance of oral health could be more helpful for them and easier to understand. After all, kids will do something as long as it has fun and excitement.
5.Let your little ones decide on the toothbrush and toothpaste. If you want your child to become more interested in brushing their teeth, you can buy special toothbrushes that have designs, such as their favorite cartoon character or color. There are also fun variants of toothpastes that are meant for kids due to their child-friendly flavors.
6.Use rewards and incentives. If your kids simply don’t like brushing their teeth due to laziness or some other problem, you can try a reward system. For instance, if they brush their teeth, they are allowed to watch their favorite show or movie, or they can play more games on the phone afterward.
As much as possible, always praise them after they’ve brushed their teeth to let them know it’s a good habit.
To sum it up, oral hygiene is something that needs to be started at a young age so that your kids will get used to it through teenage years and adulthood. When brushing becomes natural to them, they won’t fear dentists anymore and will eagerly pick up the toothbrush without parents having to struggle.
Taking care of your kids’ health is important – oral hygiene included. We hope that this and other healthy tips for kids can help you on your parenthood journey.