There are lots of components to managing a fleet company, including arranging routes and minimizing costs; the quantity of work involved can make it difficult to know where to improve. However, if you take a step back for a moment and leave your business in capable hands, you can make a start on strengthening your fleet management. Continue reading to learn how.
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Optimize Routes
If your fleet is struggling to complete routes on time or follow them correctly, it will be difficult to manage your business and you will receive a bad reputation from clients. This can be effectively controlled by using a fleet management program, which will give you real-time visuals of where your drivers go during their routes and how effectively they drive.
Promote Safer Operations
Unsafe behavior impacts the lives of drivers and other road users, so make sure your staff is properly trained and compliant before letting them drive in your fleet. If you’re struggling with staff training, you can approach fleet training companies that will take care of this for you. All you need to do is find money in the budget and train your staff as required.
Automate Work Systems
Paper-based work systems are a relic of the past, so if you’re still operating this way, you need to update your processes. Automating your operations will free up time, save you money (up to 12%), and let you see analytical information that isn’t possible with paper and pen.
Cut Maintenance Costs
As well as fuel, maintenance costs are another large monthly outgoing for fleet managers. Keeping on top of your fleet’s maintenance costs will not only make your drivers safer on the roads but will save you spending money on expensive repairs down the line. If you’re using a fleet management system, you can schedule your repairs based on engine usage and real-time metrics.
Reduce Fuel Costs
Fuel costs are in a constant state of flux and can often take up the majority of a fleet manager’s budget – up to 60%. Knowing how to reduce fuel costs can free up money to invest in other areas of the business. If you use the right fleet GPS tracking software, you can monitor each vehicle’s usage and use the metrics to inform fleet training; leaving a car idle for even a couple of hours a day can burn through unnecessary fuel.
Reduce Workforce Management
Using fleet management software allows you to send work and update drivers remotely, without needing to constantly call them for updates, which can be distracting. Leaving your fleet to do their work independently will improve job satisfaction, which is essential in an economy with driver shortages; you will have more time to focus on other areas of the business.
Fleet business operation is complex, and it can be tough to know where to improve your management style. Automating your systems will be the best first step to take, which will give you access to real-time statistics. With analytics on your side, you will be able to make informed decisions that will bring down the operating costs.