It was not so long ago that elderly family members were commonly consigned to frail care facilities or nursing homes as a matter of course. Families simply did not have the resources or the skills to ensure that loved ones were cared for in a way that ensured they would enjoy a good quality of life.
Thankfully, attitudes have changed and the increased availability of those who are qualified to offer professional levels of home care assistance is making a real difference to the increasing numbers of the elderly (in part due to advances in medical care) who are part of the fabric of society.
There are numerous advantages to home care assistance, aside from ensuring the dignity of those who are receiving such assistance – here are only some.
Although many of the aged – or those who have just been released from the hospital can accomplish many things there are often physical limits to what they can accomplish. Simple tasks such as meal preparation or even cleaning the home or bathing may present challenges that are difficult to overcome. A person who provides regular home assistance services can ensure that these tasks are completed efficiently. This, in turn, ensures that the cleanliness of the home, personal hygiene and dietary needs are met.
There is also the matter of medication. For many elderly patients sticking to a set schedule for the taking of medication can be problematic. There are many who suffer from greater or lesser degrees of memory loss – both short and long term. By having a home assistant problems with taking medication can be avoided and provide the family of those receiving the care with the peace of mind that their aging loved one is being cared for properly.
There are also some tasks that provide structure to the lives of us all. These tasks such as shopping for essentials or even leaving the house to enjoy a change of environment are essential. For the aged or those who are facing health issues, these tasks are made much easier when they are accompanied by someone who can provide that helping hand or even that sympathetic ear. Having someone to talk to – and guide activities is extremely important.
The value of this sort of companionship should not be underestimated. having someone who will be visiting on a regular basis and can assist with tasks that many of us would regard as routine not only makes those tasks easier – it provides companionship. Without companionship and someone to simply share life’s challenges it is easy to slip into depression – and that can have severe effects on not only mental wellbeing but also physical health.
There is also a sense of comfort in the familiar. Those who are consigned to care facilities face an often sterile and unfamiliar environment – and that can also contribute to mental decline.
The increased availability of home assistance services has made an enormous difference to the quality of life of the elderly and others who may not be able to take care of themselves. It is an option that families should seriously consider when face with the challenges presented by those who require a helping hand in order to simply enjoy a better quality of life.
Find a company to take care of your loved ones here: