You may have noticed that you routinely lose signal and cell phone reception in certain places such as underground metro trains, tunnels and mountainous zones, even after option for a good internet plan which makes your bill quite heavy. The frustration is understandable; especially since all companies repeatedly assure that their services can be availed everywhere at the same speed. Of course, experience has taught us not to always rely on such promises, since there are numerous things that can mess up a network.
However, there are times you may urgently need high speed internet but are stuck with 2G and 3G. Say that you have an online exam or a quarterly office meeting that you simply cannot miss. In this case, bad signal can become your worst enemy.
A signal booster is essentially a device which captures a weak signal from around you and amplifies it to become stronger, so that you can enjoy the benefits of a better signal. While you may be sceptical about using it, since you already subscribe to an expensive data plan, think of it as a backup in case of emergencies. There are other reasons why a signal booster can come in handy and have the following benefits:
- Easy to install and use.
Unlike a home or office wifi system, which always needs to be set up by a professional, a signal booster can be installed by anyone with a basic knowledge of how computers work. They are easy to use and install and can make your day much more efficient. Therefore, the next time your server speed drops, you do not have to constantly fidget with cables and reposition your adapter.
- Interference can come from anywhere.
It is not always the fault of your service provider if you receive bad signal, because signal strength depends hugely on geographical location and terrain. You simply cannot expect to have the same signal strength in a hilly region and a crowded city. Even trees, piping systems, water bodies, metallic instalments as well as the usage of energy efficient products can interfere with a perfectly good signal and make it slower.
- Heavy data use.
If you work in downtown Melbourne where there are about 10 buildings for every communications towers, the probability of jammed signals is quite a possibility, since these commercial buildings are always engaged in continuous work that requires high signal strength. Due to too many servers using the same network, there may be signal interruptions from time to time; however, that cannot possibly hinder the workflow in a commercial setup. This is where signal boosters can be very handy.
- The structure of the building.
Sometimes, buildings are designed in such a way that the signal strength keeps varying between floors and rooms on the same floor. This may explain why you may get excellent reception at the break room but very bad signal at your cubicle. This is especially true of residential buildings as well. In this situation, you cannot possibly change the layout of the building, so your safest bet is getting a signal booster for yourself.