When it comes to digital marketing, attention to detail is crucial. The most sought-after digital marketing agency in London will know this well. Why? Well, let’s dig into the numerous reasons. Digital marketing is all about building and showcasing a brand’s presence online. As an agency, a lot of the power sits in your hands when it comes to how your clients’ business is perceived because you hold the creative licence. As such, no detail – no matter how small – can escape your attention. Table of Contents Once something is on the internet, it’s on the internet forever.How many times have you heard of reality TV stars being dumped from shows because of a questionable tweet they posted a decade prior? Tons! Well, the same logic applies to digital marketing. Of course, it’s unlikely that your client is looking to score a spot on I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here but they might be looking to score partnerships with other brands or influencers, who very well may take a look back through their online content so it’s vital to ensure you’re paying attention to every little detail so as not to accidentally produce something that’s out of touch (Kate Spade, we’re looking at you). Now let’s not kid ourselves. Digital marketing isn’t brain surgery. Nobody is going to die if there’s an error in our work but it’s still important. Let’s say you’re an agency working with SMEs. In this case, the businesses that you’re dealing with are your clients’ babies – their children’s inheritance money. With that, the pressure around things being perfect and establishing a good reputation from the get-go is pretty high. So if there’s a spelling and grammar error in their ad copy, it doesn’t bode well for the brand. People might think “why should I trust a brand that can’t spell guarantee” – a fair point. On the other hand, let’s imagine you’re part of a global agency and your clients are huge corporate brands. The pressure is less personal but the flip side is that millions of eyes are on your work so if there’s an error, there’s really no hiding it. As an agency, it can be difficult when the environment is so fast-paced and you’re juggling tons of clients. Sometimes your focus slips or your charge through a task too quickly and you miss things. It happens. But there are things you can do to make sure that as an organisation your attention to detail is kept to the highest possible standard. Introduce a strong QA processA QA process is essential for an agency. It basically means that each piece of work is seen by multiple eyes before it goes live, ironing out the change of any error having been missed at the creation stage. An example of a strong QA process might be: – Creation – First proof – Peer review – Client review – Go live Of course, QA processes take time which agencies are never rich in but it’s definitely worth it if it can give you complete control over the quality of the work you are producing. Don’t rushAgain, agencies are never rich when it comes to time but encouraging marketers to slow down and take their time when creating and reviewing work is crucial. It could be the deciding factor between a winning campaign and a flop. Use toolsTools are a digital marketer’s favourite thing, and there are tons out there that can help you avoid making mistakes in your work. Namely, things like Grammarly are designed especially to help ease the burden of manually checking for errors in your work. One thing to be aware of though is that automated software can never live up to the human eye, and sometimes platforms like Grammarly can miss the context of the written word, missing an error that a human might pick up on. Check, check and check again.This brings us to our last piece of advice which is to check your work, check it and then check it again. Nothing compares to the human eye which is why sense checking is so vital when it comes to ensuring attention to detail. Peer reviews are a great way to achieve this, as this is a fresh pair of eyes. If this isn’t available, take a break from the bit of work – do something else, get away from your screen, have a snack and then proofread it when you’re feeling fresh. It’s no secret that attention to detail is important in digital marketing, and we hope these few tips can help you ensure it in your own work.