To secure your financial future, you should invest your money and the best ways is invest in over for long term funds. Long term generally means the investment time period is at least five years or more. Therefore the best funds for long-term investors are the one that they buy and hold it for more than 5 years.
In the market, there are many people who think to do short-term investment in stock market but the real investors do the long-term investing that help them to build wealth. With investing long-term you can increase your wealth and can meet your financial goals easily.
Today there are many ways to invest your money and you can even choose the level of risk you are willing to take in order to meet your needs. You can even go with safe options like dial up the risk, the potential return, or certificate of deposit and can also go with other options.
But before buying any stock or funds the first question that came to every person’s mind is what type of funds should I buy? The answer is very simple. There are three options to choose from:
- Stock fund
- Fixed income funds
- Blandfonder
Here I would like to give you a suggestion. If you are going to invest for short-term from 1 year to 3 years, you must go with the fixed income funds as it has lower risk but it will not give you as much return as in long-term investment. On the other side, if you go with the long-term plan of 5 years to 10 years or more, you should go with equity funds. From the historical records, it has seen that equity funds give maximum return to long-term investors.
Related: langsiktiga fonder
Before finding the right long-term funds to invest, you need to decide with which type of funds you will choose as it has main effect on your returns. After you decide the type second thing is to find the right long-term fund. So let’s start our search:
What Are The Best Long-term Investments In 2021?
As you have decided the type of funds, you need to know the which long-term fund will benefits you. We have listed few of them below have a look at them:
- Bond Funds
- Growth Stocks
- Real Estate
1. Bond Funds
It is the safest form of investment in which government or a company issues a bond and agrees to pay the bond’s owner annual interest. At the end of the bond time, the issuer will have to repays the amount of the bond and the bond is redeemed.
The bond funds are categorized by the bond types, its risk, the issuer, bond’s duration, and some other factors. The return is lesser than other funds but it is also less risky to invest.
2. Growth Stocks
Growth stocks are the high growth and high investment return type of funds that often are of tech companies. But they may not always of tech companies. The companies reinvest their profit back in the business and will not pay out the dividend until their growth slow down.
This type of long-term funds is risky to invest in because the investors have to pay more than the company’s earning in its stock and if the market crash or recession arrives, the stocks value decrease very rapidly. The stock value can decrease so quickly that it looks like they disappear from the market. In this matter, the best way is to hold your stocks for at least five years when company grows again you will get the good profit.
3. Real Estate
The last from many long-term funds is real estate. The return of this funds is very high as compared to other funds but also have high risks. It totally depends on how well you manage your property and for how long you hold your asset as it can multiply many times of your investments in the future.
In real estate, you need a bit good money to start but the returns and commissions are very high just you need to hold the assets for few years.