Penetration testing services are considered by many to be some of the most important means of securing a network. These services provide information about how secure a network is, vulnerabilities in the system, and ways to close the security gaps. They also can identify threats from within or outside the system that can lead to severe consequences for businesses and individuals alike. See here for quality IT security incident response.
Type of Penetration Testing Services
A good penetration testing company will offer several different services. The services will vary depending on the needs of the business or the individual who calls for the service. Putting together a security plan is one of the most critical steps before implementing a testing and penetration program. This means that information gathering is essential for companies who want to keep their businesses secure and protected from those who might be out to cause harm to others.
System Auditing
Businesses and individuals who want to get an idea of their current security will most likely require a complete audit of all systems. This could include conducting a full review of the Internet, internal email usage, networks, servers, information leaks, and so much more. Different services offer different means for conducting these tests depending on what is required.
Vulnerability Assessment
Another essential service that penetration testing companies offer is vulnerability assessment. This can be done on a single network or across multiple networks to provide the biggest picture of the networks’ security and what problems may be present from within and outside each network. Key areas focus on vulnerabilities in programs, operating systems, and stored or used data within any given network. The audit identifies what systems are most at risk for attacks along with the most likely method of infiltration.
Breach Management
When a security breach occurs or has been suspected, a different service might be offered. This service investigates the breach and finds out how it happened to ensure that it does not happen again. This is very important, and without this service, a company may think that they are protected when they are not. Even if companies are using the right products and programs to protect against potential attacks, do not assume any level of security will be given where there are gaps in what is currently being used.
It is often overlooked, but some steps can be taken in the future to prevent any security breach. This will help to ensure that an investigation into an already occurred breach does not have to reoccur. The most important thing to do is make sure that the company that conducted the security audit did a complete job identifying all vulnerabilities in a given system.
How Often Should Pen Testing Be Carried Out?
This depends upon the company and what they are trying to achieve from their penetration testing. Some companies might want to test the security of their network once a year, while other companies might want it done more frequently. If a particular threat or hacker group is in the news for breaching a company, then it might be wise to test security after this information has been released.
It also depends upon what type of information a particular company is trying to protect as well. For example, if a company is trying to keep information on the stock market or other financial data from being stolen, one would often want to test their system’s security. However, if a company is more focused on protecting sensitive business and personal information, they will want to do so less often.
Benefits of Penetration Testing
Many benefits will come from a company or individual having penetration testing done on their network. The most obvious benefit is finding out if there are any vulnerabilities in any given system. Without knowing what these vulnerabilities are, it can be difficult to fix them and secure them and keep the data stored in the system safe.
It is also important to have information about how secure a given network is at all times. It is necessary to know how porous a given network is to potential breaches by hackers, attackers, or other entities looking to use any given network for personal gain or malicious purposes. Information like this can be used to tighten security in the future.
In addition, the company that conducts penetration testing services will be able to offer ways that a company can protect its data from those who want it. It may also help them do so legally, depending on what measures they put in place. This can help ensure that they are not breaching any laws and are not violating the terms of service for certain types of information.
Finally, a company can use the findings gathered from penetration testing to improve its network security. This will be done by finding out what holes need to be patched and what types of programs need to be used to keep a company safe. A company must do this to keep its information safe and secure.
Protect Your Network
The service provided for investigating security breaches differs depending on the company hired to perform the service. Some companies do it internally, while others will outsource it to a third party specializing in this work. Either way, this type of investigation into security vulnerabilities must occur to prevent future occurrences of the same or similar type. Get in touch with our specialized team at Nettitude and arm your business network against online predators.