Vs is one of the best development environments created by Microsoft in 2015b for Linux, Windows, and macOS with features to support debugging, syntax highlighting snippets, intelligent code completion, and even code refactoring. Currently VS code is the most popular open-source code editor, cutting out the complexity of full IDEs workflows.
With the VS flexible nature VS, it enables the users to customize the theme, change keyboard shortcuts and install preferable extensions for additional functionality. According to the stack overflow 2021 developer survey, Visual Studio (VS) code was voted the most popular developer environment tool. The survey was conducted on 82,00 respondents out of which 70% reported that they use the tools for its flexibility and extensions.
In 2021, the coder’s life became easier with the newly released VS code extensions. VS Code is one of the best code editors designed for a modern tech stack.
As it is an open-source code, developers are continuously contributing to making the software even more convenient. We have created a comprehensive list of popular VS code extensions in 2021.
The snippet is a dedicated extension for adding on productivity. It is a bundle of various extensions supporting the most commonly used programming languages. In a way, you can say snippets are the umbrella sheltering several components. Some popular snippets include
- Angular Snippets (version 11)
- Python
- JavaScript (ES6) code snippets
- HTML Snippets
- Vue 3 Snippets
Remote SSH:
Covid 19 has restricted the majority of the employees to work from home. As a developer, you are struggling to find the right tools to work with at home. While the whole world modified itself for remote work, developers also worked on a VS code extension suitable for work from home.
Remote SSH enables you to connect with any machine development environment and also allows you to swap between different environments easily, quicker, and efficiently. Whether you are creating a new code or making edits.
It has helped developers who require heavier software for work but are unable to create a remote setup.
Qoukka.js is the go-to extension for developers that prefer JavaScript and TypeScript. The extension is free of cost, simple, and lightweight that is enjoyed by both newbies and seasoned developers. The extension is designed to speed up development by displaying runtime values in the IDE as you code. With the displays, you can focus on coding instead of creating custom configs.
Qoukka.js also offers a pro license extension for programming professionals which lets you moody the runtime values without the need to change your codes.
AI technology is everyone and it has made its way into coding as well. Tebnine is a popular AI assistant for VS code that supports all the major programming languages. Tannin uses deep learning algorithms based on publicly shared codebases to predict the user’s preferences. The prediction mode offers one-click code completion for efficient and fast project development.
Tebnine also aids the newbie developers and seasoned developers with the learning experience by providing the building blocks you need to get the functionality. A newbie coder can explore new ideas without having to remember the coding syntax or search StackOverflow.
GitLens is designed to make integration of IDE with Git easier for professionals. The extension is also customizable so it’s not too intrusive with your IDE. GitLens is a great tool for teams and personal projects. Git/lens enables you who made, what changes in your code and when in any given project. You can easily hop back to the previous changes and do a side-by-side comparison. The tool is extremely useful to see why the changes were made and how it made the program better if it did.
Bracket Pair Colorizer:
Professional developers have a lot of work pressure and a simple bug can throw you off the schedule. Bracket pair colorizer is an extension to handle your coding worries. As the name suggests the extension colors the pairs of brackets to highlight the opening and ending brackets in the code quickly.
Additionally, it is simple to configure the extensions settings making it work even with the custom bracket characters, with the customization feature you can add specific colors, orphan brackets in separate colors, and so on. Bracket pair colorization is exceptionally useful to check someone’s code or figure out the spaghetti coding.
Prettier is not a photo editing app but a very popular VS code extension. Programming languages can get complicated as well and it’s vital to keep your code properly formatted. Coding can get messy with deadlines but that is precisely why prettier was created.
Prettier is a formatting extension that automatically formats your code. For the new developers, it also provides a lot of headspaces so the new bird can focus on the flight and not the sky. Learning to master readable coding is important but when you have lots of time on your hands.
The extension is useful to lead a team of new or beginning developers and recheck the code. The extension is also very useful for web development professionals teaching coding.
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