Weight loss is one of the most common goals that people have. For some people, it is about being healthier, for others, it is about looking thin. Whatever the end goal is, losing weight in a healthy way is imperative.
In this endeavor, the most sought-after method is through diets. While some people try to simply starve themselves to reach the calorie deficit, which is an extremely unhealthy approach, there are other safer ways of dieting to lose the extra pounds.
One such safe diet is the protein diet. It focuses heavily on, as the name suggests, the consumption of proteins, which are the basic building blocks of the human body.
However, with any diet, you cannot just go into it blindly. There are health conditions and caveats to account for. What may suit another person may not gel well with your body. Therefore, a safer option is also consulting the Best Dietitian in Lahore.
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What is a protein diet?
A protein diet entails taking a significant portion of protein throughout the day. Of the entire day, more than 20% of the calories are to come from proteins. Moreover, it also entails taking fewer carbohydrates and fats, attributing more time and attention to the consumption of proteins.
There are various factors to determine the total protein intake, including sex, weight, age, etc. You can get accurate information regarding your portion size then from your dietician. Moreover, there are many applications as well that can help you track how much protein you should be taking.
What are the principles of a protein diet?
Proteins are the focus of every meal. It is suggested however that you take lean meat, since it has a lesser amount of fat, and is protein-dense. Take protein especially for in breakfast, since they help in promoting satiety and give you energy for the rest of the day.
Vegetables also form an important part of the diet, especially those with high protein indexes. Fruits that are low in sugar, like berries, are also a part of the diet.
Take good fats, however, fried foods and saturated fats are not allowed. Similarly, refined carbohydrates are also a no; while everyone should refine from taking too much-refined flour, it is especially not good for those on a protein diet. Processed foods are also to be avoided in the diet, and likewise desserts.
What are the benefits of a protein diet?
Notwithstanding the obvious benefit of weight loss, there are other reasons to consider a protein diet. Unlike other diets that focus on eating very little, and starving for the rest of the day, this diet promotes satiety. Instead of then dealing with the hunger pangs that then also weaken the resolve to diet, it allows you to feel full for longer.
Furthermore, often, the ‘bad’ diets involve weight loss due to loss in muscle mass. The fat that you wanted to get rid of stays there. This is also very unhealthy and counterintuitive. On the other hand, a protein diet allows you to build muscles and thus allowing you to burn more calories.
A protein diet is also very healthy. It involves eating fresh produce, lean meat, forgoing bad foods like processed food, refined flour, etc. Therefore, you take up healthier practices as a result.
What are the potential pitfalls of a protein diet?
A protein diet is not too good to be true, but it does carry certain risks. It is not safe for those with chronic diseases, especially chronic kidney disease, and diabetes.
Much like the issue with most diets, it can lead to nutrient deficiencies. It can be avoided by charting carefully what you are eating. Another complaint is that it is often lacking in dietary fiber. You can avoid this by taking insoluble fiber like psyllium husk. These factors are often already accommodated by the Best Dietitian in Islamabad before recommending the diet.