Over the years, a few businessmen have emerged who have helped evolve the world with their vision and ‘big idea’. One such name that serves as an inspiration for many is Richard Marlow, a British-born businessman and supercar producer.
For those who don’t know, Richard Marlow is a well-known name in the sports car manufacturing industry due to the firm Ultima Sports Ltd – the producer of the quickest road-going cars in the world. The company which was launched in 1992, is the brand behind the renowned cars Ultima GTR, Ultima Evolution, and Ultima RS. Due to the unique vision of Richard Marlow, Ultima Sports Ltd has earned the reputation of being one of the most successful British hand-built sports car manufacturer’s of all time.
Though Ultima Sports Ltd is famous now, Richard Marlow says that the company was never launched for fame or money. Instead, it was his passion that pushed him toward the sports car industry. Richard grew up watching his father, Ted Marlow, race cars in the 1980s. In fact, his father raced an early first version of the Ultima with Lee Noble. “I can distinctly remember the first time I saw the Ultima as a child,” Richard shares. “My father was racing a different car at the time, and Lee Noble drove his freshly completed Ultima MK1 on the public roads to display it at that race event. My father and I were left in awe, and we placed an order for the Ultima instantly. Life has never been quite the same since then,” he adds.
Richard Marlow further developed motivation for car manufacturing because he often visited Lee’s workshop and witnessed his work. Lee and Richard’s father also won numerous races and championships. The Marlow family’s obsession with Ultima increased to such an extent that Ted Marlow ended up purchasing the brand back in 1992. From thereon, the popularity of the Ultima brand name further grew, and it reached new heights when Richard Marlow took over the business. Between 2004 and 2009, he placed special attention on the marketing efforts of the company, and as a result, Ultima also acquired multiple world speed records.
“Ultima Sports Ltd took inspiration from the Le Mans Group C race cars competing on the world stage in a truly golden era of motorsport,” Richard states. “The company’s goal now is to produce a complete road-going supercar. Not only would the Ultima be capable of being faster than any other road car available, but the design is also relatively straightforward. Customers will be able to build their own supercar!”
Today, the car manufacturing company has thousands of satisfied clients in around 70 different countries. This is because the brand is committed to offering expert services and a user experience that exceeds expectations.
According to Richard Marlow, Ultima has become a timeless, high-quality car because everyone involved in the production of the automobile is invested in achieving excellence. When it comes to his work ethic, he reveals, “I treat everybody with a high level of respect and integrity. This includes not only customers but also my amazing staff and our valued suppliers. Hence, the team is highly motivated and passionate. I’m proud to be able to say that most of my team and supply chain has now been working with me for over two decades, and we have built a strong bond and a unbreakable level of trust between us.”
Talking about the biggest hurdle he faced as an entrepreneur, Richard went on to say that it was finding the perfect team. However, now that he has highly skilled and loyal employees on board, they have become his greatest asset. Richard Marlow advises young and aspiring entrepreneurs to make mistakes but never quit. “Most importantly, love your job. This passion for Ultima is so much ingrained into me that I genuinely consider this my dream job,” he stresses. “People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing. Make it a top priority to find that joy.”
Richard is a firm believer that no mountain is high enough to hinder anyone’s success if you remain passionate and continue moving. There is no denying that he has certainly remained steadfast on the path to achieving his goals, and that is exactly what sets him apart from his competitors!