A typical spine bends and moves either side before reverting to the center when walking. However, a scoliosis patient might find it challenging moving in a similar trend because of the curvature of his spine. Besides infantile scoliosis that develops in childhood, the spinal curve might also affect adults for various reasons, including past spinal surgery, genetics and uneven pelvic position. Are you looking for options to help you manage scoliosis in Sandy Springs? The spine specialists at Polaris Spine & Neurosurgery Center might help.
What are the common treatment options for scoliosis?
Scoliosis treatments vary depending on the curve’s severity. Childhood and teenage scoliosis might not need treatment. However, the medical professional might request regular checkups to monitor the progression and whether the curve advances as the child grows. For instance, the primary physician might recommend bracing if the spine has a curvature of more than 40-degrees. However, the child might need corrective surgical treatment if the curve is more than 40degrees. The treatment options might also depend on:
- The curve’s severity. A curve’s severity will affect how the condition progresses.
- Bone maturity. Bracing works more efficiently if the young one’s bones are still growing. The risk of the curve worsening is minimal, especially if your bones have stopped growing.
- Curve position. A curve in your spine’s mid-section is likely to worsen, unlike a bend on your spine’s lower or upper parts.
- Sex. Scoliosis is more likely to worsen in girls than in boys.
Treatment options you might have include:
The treatment is usually an option in infantile scoliosis. The medical professional uses plaster casting during the treatment to help the spine grow upright. However, the medical expert might need to change the casting regularly as the child grows.
Your physician will likely suggest a brace if the patient has moderate scoliosis and his bones are still growing. Though wearing a brace might not cure the condition, it will prevent the curve from worsening. Your doctor might suggest a plastic brace designed to conform to your body. The device is invisible beneath your clothing, fitting under the arms, around your rib cage and extending to your lower back and hips. Though a brace’s effectiveness depends on the number of hours you wear it, your healthcare provider might suggest at least 13-16hours daily. However, you might need to discontinue wearing the brace if you no longer see changes in your spine’s height.
Chronic scoliosis advances over time. Therefore, your primary physician might suggest a surgical procedure to help align your spine, minimizing its chances of worsening. Your scoliosis surgical options might include:
Expanding rod. The procedure might be ideal if the child’s condition advances rapidly. The treatment entails attaching either one or two expandable rods that adjust lengthwise along the patient’s spine.
Spinal fusion. A fusion prompts your surgeon to connect your affected vertebrae to prevent them from moving independently.
Vertebral body tethering. The treatment entails placing screws along the abnormal curve before threading a flexible cord through the screws. The cord helps the spine to straighten as the child grows.
Contact your primary physician to know the scoliosis treatment that might work best to straighten your abnormal spinal curve.