Porshay Thomas, who is the founder and CEO of Deluxe Galore Co., remembers the moment she let go of the need to be as tough as nails. “On New Year’s Day in 2023, I was laying in a hospital bed in front of my two-year-old son. I was also nine months pregnant, and I was reflecting on the thoughts that had shaped my life,” she recalls. “For so many years, I had kept a tight grip on my wall so that I wouldn’t get hurt. I realized, however, that it was time to let go of it. Inside of me, I was classy, feminine, and even a little bit sassy. What would my life be like if I embraced it? I decided to go on a new adventure to find out, and I haven’t looked back since.”
The story of Deluxe Galore, a luxury wig and raw hair extensions company, is ultimately about the transformation of Porshay, including how her courage is inspiring more women to embrace their inner elegance. While she is married to a wonderful husband, with whom she has eight children, she wasn’t always so content with her life.
“Unfortunately, I think a lot of women can relate to what I experienced. Abuse. Neglect. An incarcerated father. A mother who was a drug addict. Homelessness. It went on and on,” says Porshay. “As we all know, our childhoods really make us into who we are, and mine was no exception. I kept meeting exactly the wrong people, and each one reinforced my belief that in order to survive, I had to be like steel and show no vulnerabilities. I couldn’t let myself truly live.”
Then Porshay discovered the beauty of hair, its strength, and its versatility, and suddenly she had a new outlet for her classy and elegant side. Porshay loved wigs, raw hair extensions, and their power to transform her appearance into a confident CEO or a carefree vacationer. As she experimented with different styles and learned more about the industry, she became more confident and free. She went to beauty school and obtained her cosmetology license, becoming a licensed professional. She realized that she wanted to leave behind her shell and empower other women to experience that transformative joy.
“So, in January 2023, I said goodbye to my old life and launched Deluxe Galore,” Porshay says. “I listened to what my mother had told me, that I had greatness in me, and I became an entrepreneur. I was no longer someone’s victim. Instead, I was victorious, and I was ready to help women conquer their own mountains.”
At the center of Deluxe Galore is empowerment: women can decide for themselves the styles of wigs or hair extensions that they like on any given day. Whether they choose straight, wavy, or curly hair, their imaginations and hearts are kindled.
“Hair transforms us and allows us to see ourselves in a completely new way,” Porshay believes. “We see past our own walls, right to the core of who we are: fabulous. We walk taller and straighter. And, when we believe in ourselves, our whole vibe changes. We are able to attract the success and healthy relationships we want for ourselves, all because we love who we see in the mirror.”
In becoming an entrepreneur, one of Porshay’s biggest goals was to make Deluxe Galore the one-stop shop for women who want to discover the freedom of being classy. Deluxe Galore’s services are expansive and offer everything customers could ever need, including wigs and custom hair extensions; Luxury Raw Hair Bundles from Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia, and India; personal consultations; direct communication between Porshay and customers; and even a Wig Spa.
“Our Wig Spa was high on my list of ‘must haves’ when I created Deluxe Galore,” Porshay remembers. “It is not easy to find a quality company that takes excellent care of wigs – or even knows how to do it. So, I made sure to offer inspections, shampoos, hair masks, conditioning, drying, trim lack tining, coloring, and detangling. Additionally, we make wigs and can handle toning, bleaching, hairline plucking, cutting, and more.”
Porshay is also helping to cultivate a new generation of female entrepreneurs by offering her own tips and suggestions for navigating a complex business world. For those who need help getting their thoughts in order, she offers Take Accountability – The Journal. To maximize the early days of a new company, she created The Beginners Business Bundle – teaching women how to start a business, create a plan and build business credit!
“We have all heard the horror stories about the number of startups that fail within the first few years. I hope what I’ve learned, sometimes the hard way, as an entrepreneur will provide solutions for other new business owners,” she says.
Porshay’s message of transformation, empowerment, and potential is resonating with women across the United States. In the 10 months since its launch, Deluxe Galore has brought in $100,000. To thank consumers for their enthusiasm and support, the company is offering a special “Buy 3, Get 3 Free Hair Bundles” deal, available between November 16-27, 2023.
“We are very excited about this because it will be a great way to finish the year strong, and who doesn’t love a fantastic Black Friday Deal?” she asks. “Remember to join our waitlist so you can get free express shipping, first dibs on our inventory, a VIP pass to 12 days of Deluxe Galore deals, stackable discount codes, exclusive alerts, and insider tips on our surprise giveaways.”
While Porshay plans to expand Deluxe Galore across Nevada and establish a warehouse for national shipments, she is determined to retain her company’s emphasis on empathy and customer relationships.
“What I would absolutely love to do is establish a little shop where women can walk in and just unwind. Whether they are high-powered executives or stay-at-home moms, they can come by, drink some spring water or good wine, and have fun trying on wigs,” Porshay says. “A place like that, where women arrive tired and stressed but leave refreshed and excited about life, is my dream.”