There is a joint just in front of your ear called the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). If you experience discomfort while opening and closing your mouth, it is a sure sign that you suffer from TMJ. Fortunately, with TMJ Treatment in Jasper, you can get all the help you need concerning this disorder.
Remember, a TMJ dysfunction significantly affects your whole health and well-being. Misaligned teeth, arthritis, injury, and stress are just a few of the probable causes of a misbehaving TMJ in your mouth. In the absence of treatment, you may have difficulties eating, speaking, or yawning. Unfortunately, several myths can stop you from doing the right thing, and we will dispel the most common ones here.
TMJ is a medical condition
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, sometimes referred to as a TMJ problem, is a condition in which you have discomfort in your jaw and the muscles that surround it. After the joint, most people incorrectly refer to it as TMJ when TMD should be the abbreviation for this medical ailment.
TMJ illness is infrequent
Because the TMJ problem is seldom discussed, you may mistakenly assume it is an unusual ailment. When it comes to TMJ dysfunction, it is not uncommon. An estimated 12% of the population has a problem with their temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Even though they may be experiencing symptoms, many individuals do not think the ailment exists.
The only option is a surgical treatment
Even if TMJ surgery is an option to correct the problem, it is not the sole solution! As the severity increases, so does the degree of care required. Alternatives for treatment include:
- Injections
A steroid hormone known as corticosteroids may be injected directly into the jaw joints to alleviate pain and inflammation, making them an effective treatment option.
- Medication
You may turn to medications such as analgesics, antidepressants, muscle relaxants, and hypnotics to alleviate your discomfort.
- Surgery
A jaw reshaping procedure may be the only way to treat severe cases of a TMJ condition. On the other hand, your doctor will take the time to go through all of your treatment choices with you.
- Therapy
Stress management skills will be taught to you by your doctor if they think treatment is proper for you! Physical therapy and dental splints may help relieve discomfort and strengthen the jaw joint.
Accidents and injuries only cause TMD.
Although this is not always the case, many TMD instances include injuries like whiplash or a direct strike to the jaw or head from a vehicle accident. Malocclusion and bruxism, in which the upper and lower jaws do not meet when the mouth is closed, may result in jaw discomfort due to the stress they place on the jaw’s hard and soft tissues.
If your upper and lower jaws do not align correctly, a misaligned bite may need orthodontic treatment with braces. Damage to the upper and lower jaw joints or their accompanying ligaments may need surgery to correct them. Likewise, your dentist may prescribe medication in addition to treatment if your TMJ condition is the result of stress or worry. Dentists will always suggest that you use an oral appliance to address your TMJ issue, regardless of the therapy you are receiving.