A lot of stuff is more interesting than contents insurance. It probably is one of those things you will procrastinate constantly. However, you should not do this. Contents insurance is namely extremely important, in the Netherlands everyone should have it for example. This can be done with the help of the site inboedelverzekering.nl. This is a part of the company Diks and can be used to compare all possible contents insurances. On top of that, you can find useful information about this type of insurance on the website. Below you can find answers to some of your questions as well.
What is contents insurance?
Contents insurance essentially protects all of your belongings, which is often referred to as inventory, against damage. In essence, everything you can pick up and take with you when you move to a different house will be covered if you have a contents insurance. This can obviously be extremely useful. For example, your washing machine breaks down and floods your entire house. In this case your furniture will be damaged, but it will be covered by the insurance company.
Do you need contents insurance?
You are not obligated to get contents insurance in the Netherlands, just like in other countries. However, this does not mean that you should not have it. Because of this, there are still a lot of Dutch people who decide to get this insurance. It will essentially function as a safety net in case your stuff does get damaged, which obviously is not what you want. If you do not have contents insurance and your belongings get damaged, you are likely in big trouble.
What stuff is insured?
If you decide to get contents insurance it is important to know what stuff exactly will be insured. As mentioned before, if you can pick up the item and carry it to your new apartment it will be insured. In other words, your kitchen will probably not be a part of the inventory. On the other hand, many other belongings will be insured. This includes furniture, electronic devices, clothing, jewelry, et cetera.
What do contents insurance cover?
If you want to insure the stuff mentioned above you would obviously have to buy a contents insurance. But, exactly which types of damage will be covered by the insurance provider? There are a lot of damages the contents insurance will cover. For example, if your belongings get damaged by a flood or storm, the insurance company will cover for the damages. This will also be the case with fire, theft, and accidental damage.
How much do contents insurances cost?
It can be quite hard to tell you how much your contents insurance will cost. In 2019 the average price was about 127 pounds in the United Kingdom, but this has already increased in 2020. How much your actual insurance will cost depends on a few things, including the package you are going for. Usually the prices start at about five pounds.