The fortitude of the Nightborne Armor Set includes 6 pieces that provide Stamina, Intellect, and AP. Below, we’ll show you where to get each piece of the set and what level you need to be to wear it. We’ll also explain how to upgrade your existing class armor to match the look of the set and what stats the upgraded armor as compared to its original state.
At the end of this guide, we’ll also list some general strategies on how you can use this class set as well as other sets to maximize your character’s potential in-game.
Table of Contents
In Legion, you can collect epic gear with special traits that alter your play style or provide interesting new options. One of these sets is Fortitude of The Nightborne Armor Set, which focuses on Stamina in dungeons and raids, and improves health-and-mana regeneration while using potions. We’ll discuss how you can get your hands on a piece of it from each raid dungeon, whether or not you should wear it in a given situation, and why. Let’s take a look!
How to get it?
As with many things, starting in Suramar will be your first step to getting your hands on some awesome new armor. With 7.3 dropping as soon as tomorrow, head over to our post on how to get ready for Battle for Azeroth. You’ll want all of that stuff before you start heading out into azerite zones so you can start earning experience in them ASAP. If you aren’t sure which zone you should be questing in, don’t worry.
That’s what our Suramar quest guide is for! Also, there’s no reason not to go back through and finish leveling through Suramar now that it’s changed quite a bit since Legion came out, it might just be more fun now than ever before, thanks to story events and such! Once you’ve leveled up enough to earn Level 120, then it’s time to move on to unlocking World Quests. You’ll want to do these quests every day until you reach Level 122, at which point you can queue up for dungeons.

Where/When can you get it?
The Fortitude set is a Nightborne-themed armor set. You can get it in Antorus, The Burning Throne, in heroic mode by using an Essence of Night, which drops from Argus himself or very rarely in emissary caches. Keep in mind that you’ll need to be item level 120 to wear any piece of these sets! If you’re interested, you can head over here for our guide on how and where to farm up your own Essence of Night.
The full set has stats like so: 533 Strength, 540 Stamina plus 1168 Intellect. Not bad for a tanking set, but also not amazing compared to some other options out there. As with all raid gear, you’ll want to upgrade as soon as possible if you want to maximize your potential.
What does it do?
This set gives you two main bonuses: First, when 3 enemies are within 8 yards of you, you gain 10% increased movement speed and a 15% reduced chance to be critically hit by melee attacks. Second, when 3 enemies are within 8 yards of you, your damage taken is reduced by 30%.
These two effects combine together nicely – they allow tanks to quickly move around groups of mobs while still being able to mitigate incoming damage effectively (especially since many melee abilities don’t hit more than one target). All in all, a solid choice for tanks who want something unique but aren’t looking for anything too crazy or flashy.
Things you need to know
The new tier of raid armor drops from Nighthold, which is a raid released in January 2017. These drops are on a lockout timer, so if you kill someone with an item on their lockout list, you won’t be able to loot it from them. The one exception is if they’re killed by a random damage effect or elite NPC. The chest piece of the set requires you to have completed all bosses on mythic difficulty.
All pieces have Versatility as their main stat, but each set also has secondary stats that make sense for its role (e.g., extra attack power for tanking pieces). They’re also very well designed aesthetically; Blizzard did a great job making armor that looks good but also reflects its wearer’s abilities. Check 45.743.633 ltda ecoseg – consultoria, gestao e treinamentos.
To Conclude
In conclusion, there are many ways for you to get your hands on the impressive Nightborne armor set. While some might require a bit more effort than others, no matter what you do, it’s clear that this collection is worth getting.
If you’re wondering where you can go next in Azeroth, then be sure to check out our other Azeroth leveling guides here on our site! And if there’s anything else we can help with as far as WoW guides go, just let us know! (My favorite kind of requests will be receiving wishlists from readers who’ve never done their alts yet.)