Social Media has become an inevitable part of human life. It is inevitable in the creation and maintenance of social capital. This article will discuss the widely used Social Media, YouTube with a prime focus on its pros and cons. The beauty of writing is that it encourages readers to interpret the fact in their way. So here I am putting up some facts and handing over the legitimacy to you to read and analyze it through various possible intersectional lenses.
“YouTube stopped service” intolerable and unacceptable news, right? How many times in a day do you visit Youtube? It is strange not to get addicted to such an informative and entertaining platform. Easily available, cost-effective, information optimization and a stage to display talents make YouTube one of the favourite video searches and sharing platforms.
Table of Contents
Informative platform
Think if you want to learn a new mobile app. YouTube is the easiest option. The video library that YouTube provides is vast and you can learn a new skill within hours. It also has options to download videos and to see them when you are offline. But it is better to be web smart while using Social Media. Information hygiene is a must since fake information can spread must faster than the virus. The unrestricted nature of YouTube allows content to appear from unprofessional sources. Therefore You Tube contents are many a time not completely liable. False and Fake information can lead to misinterpretations. So be smart while handling Media.
Opportunity provider
During these Quarantine days, the role played by YouTube in e-learning is worth appreciable. It is user- friendly and cost-efficient and it provides opportunities for online discussions and skill development. It is a necessity to update yourself with news and facts every day. At the same time YouTube is becoming too commercialized. The advertisements that appear in between may feel like an extra or as a distraction for the viewers. Make use of the customized adoption that YouTube provides. It is also a business field where many talented people earn from.
Societal impacts
YouTube has an inevitable role in overcoming stereotypes and orthodoxies. Videos, especially short films are coming up with storylines concerning minorities. The issues of women, LGBTQ+, etc are addressed through YouTube and play an important for their upliftment. It helps to wipe out norms and senseless practices. Providing a platform to raise voice against unethical practices is not a small initiative. It increases awareness about social issues. At the same it is to be noticed that YouTube provides much-unwanted information (bullying, suicide, private, crime etc.) that may mislead the younger generation. It can distract viewers from the mainstream issues.
YouTube is one of the biggest entertainment platforms and it is the easiest way to get rid of boredom. Crafts, DIYs, music, movies etc. can make you less are the best ways to reduce weariness. But it can reduce our creativity and can make us addictive enslaves of Media. YouTube can act as the best time killer.
It is necessary to understand the unexplored but go hand in hand with a clear understanding on your vicinity. Make the best use of Social media but never let it exploit your private space. Never allow it to misguide you. Restrict your eyes for what you want you to see and restrict your brain for what to accept and restrict your hands for how to act. Make use of everything in its best possible way. Let “recommended for you” won’t drive your day completely.
For more information read these references which are helpful in 2020: