The world is awash with new and exciting ventures that carry the various benefits and unique properties of different essential extracts, all being culminated and mixed into a fantastical array of different massage oil variants. When contemplating the way things used to be in terms of massage oil, there weren’t always a grand selection of different types or deviations from the status quo in western society.
However, thanks to some savvy individuals, amateur enthusiasts, and more companies trying their hand at incorporating and experimenting with different mixtures and extracts from the natural world – the choices and possibilities are becoming more and more fruitful.
Thanks to the internet, the potential for anyone to become a creator of their own products is now within reach, opening the door to a fresh opportunity to craft a lucrative income stream through e-commerce, or simply a fun experimentation for your own products at home.
Thanks to the availability of essential extracts and natural resources, there’s no limit – except your imagination.
Table of Contents
A Brief History Of Massage Oil
Massage oil has been around for longer than you may think. Dating back to at least 1000 BCE, massage oil has been an essential part of therapeutic traditions and ways of thinking. Over the last few thousand years, the use of massage oil has become more and more popular all over the world for different reasons.
Massage oil comes in several forms it can be made from mostly natural products or completely synthetic. Either way, the ointments are very good at their job because they easily spread around the skin, with different extracts and natural ingredients allowing for different results from rubbing them onto the skin. Some of the more fatty and absorbent examples saw a tremendous uptick in popularity as word spread of their unique effects.
It wasn’t until 500-600 BCE that this process took off with Buddhist monks who were reported to spit on their hands before giving treatments, sometimes also using ointments at times too. This process was also used within the Egyptian and Middle Eastern cultures.
However, massage oil came into play in Europe around the 14th century where people would use animal fat, which is incredibly gross if you think about it. It wasn’t until the 17th century that the ointments really started to become popular within the region which was when practitioners started to experiment with different types of extracts and ointments from sources such as sunflowers, almonds, and olives.
People were using these ointments and concoctions daily after bathing because it helped make skin softer, and the availability of the ingredients allowed for experimentation and usage to become more widely accepted.
The rise of industry and capitalism lent a hand in crafting the modern massage oil industry into what it is, and research into the fantastical elements that comprise the natural ingredients have allowed for more experimentation than ever before.
Modern Interpretations
As mentioned, the modern massage oil industry is awash with choice and variations that have never been seen before in human history. With the availability and overwhelming research being conducted on the natural ingredients, there have been more nuanced, tailored, and exceptional examples of massage oil being put onto the market. Whether it be the integration of fragrantly pleasing ingredients and extracts that can have a wonderful impact on the scent and palate of the resulting product or the introduction of different carrier ingredients that allow for a more enriched result.
Popular Extracts Used In Massage Oil
Some of the popular bases being used in massage oil are extracts that have nourishing qualities alongside their ability to smoothen the application process. As essentials are usually quite potent and not advisable for direct pure skin contact, there’s credence to use a milder and friendlier carrier as the base. These carriers are typically derived from vegetables and are chosen based on their ability to intermix with essentials and other ingredients, as well as the ease of absorption on the skin.
Jojoba extract is a wonderful example, being used in a wide variety of day spas, it’s utility as a massage oil can be traced to its resemblance to naturally occurring skin ointments, which makes it a perfect ingredient. Jojoba is readily available, and an incredibly versatile carrier that is suitable for many skin types, and paired with the right essential extract, can be an incredibly luxurious massage oil.
A hearty and lightweight ointment for massage oil, using the liquid extract from sunflower seeds has been gaining a lot of popularity as time goes by. The richness of vitamin E is already a big tick in the ‘Pro’ column as well as being naturally bolstered with fatty linoleic acids which are incredibly beneficial for retaining and increasing moisture in the skin.
Yes, it may be popular as food for breakfast and brunch, but the naturally occurring elements in Avocado make it an incredible, albeit heavy, base for massage oil. While it is a tasty treat all on its own, the use of avocado in massage oil recipes is not entirely new. After all, the natural omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, E, and D all have tremendous impacts on the skin and combined with the right essential, you could have a gamechanger.
Grapeseed is a popular choice for those who have more sensitive skin palates, it’s popular for its anti-inflammatory components, as well as its utility for sensitive skin types. Its natural nourishment and long-lasting feel makes it a perfect and popular ingredient in massage oil.
Potential Revenue Streams
So, now that we understand a little more about the properties and ingredients, it’s time to have some fun with it.
Of course, many enthusiasts and creators have mixed and matched various ingredients to create a massage oil that is for personal use, which is great. Many others who have found themselves with free time and a desire to try their hand at the e-commerce game have opted to begin crafting their own recipes creating their own side business.
There’s never been a better or easier time to get involved with the industry, as there are tools and lessons available almost everywhere you look. There are fundamental walkthroughs for those who have never created or crafted their own homemade beauty products that go through the various do’s and don’ts. They’re also perfect for providing some useful knowledge surrounding the art of diluting the essentials with your carriers.
Once you have the fundamentals down, it’s time to experiment. Playing around with different mixtures, scents, colours and consistencies will allow you to practice, as well as potentially stumble onto a great new formulation and mixture that can be entirely your own.
Afterwards, there are plenty of YouTube channels and professional courses that go through the details of setting up your massage oil business. This includes the marketing side, payment collection, and the best ways to get your newfound brand in front of the right customers.
It’s a brave new world for those who are bold enough to try. Creating your own massage oil is a fun and educational activity that has nothing but benefits. A good massage oil can be crafted from the natural elements around us.