There is no doubt that cocaine is a powerful drug that can lead to a quickly evolving downward spiral. Here are six signs that your child may be using cocaine and what you can do about it.
Nosebleeds: One of the most telling signs that your child may be addicted to cocaine is frequent and unexplained nosebleeds. Snorting cocaine may irritate the nasal passages, leading to congestion, mucus discharge, and bleeding. The actual cocaine is also sometimes mixed with additives that may trigger a nosebleed. If nosebleeds have never been an issue for your child, this may be something that necessitates further investigation. It is also not unusual for a cocaine addict to have frequent sniffles or a runny nose.
Unexplained Weight Loss: Frequent use of cocaine will suppress an individual’s appetite, making it likely that users can go for significant periods of time without eating. This major appetite suppression will inevitably lead to weight loss. Teens that have a cocaine problem often are able to harness the energy needed to perform daily functions on little food.
Presence of Drug Paraphernalia: The presence of drug paraphernalia in your child’s room or on their belongings is one of the most obvious signs that there is an addiction. The problem is that many parents do not recognize these items as being drug paraphernalia. The items that you need to be on the lookout for include lighters, pipes, razor blades, tiny mirrors, and plastic straws. Any of these items on their own may not point to a cocaine problem. However, if you find more than one of these common cocaine vehicles, you need to take the appropriate action immediately.
White Powder Residue: Along with the various forms of drug paraphernalia, you need to be cognizant of the presence of white powder residue. You may find this around your child’s nose or mouth.
Overconfidence: Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that speeds up the body’s central nervous system. This acceleration makes the user feel more motivated and energetic. If this is not a usual trait for your child, it may be that the effects of cocaine are leading to this newfound confidence and zest for life.
Mood Swings: As quickly as this energy and confidence come on, it can also disappear. Once the high wears off, the user will begin to crash. When this happens, they will likely appear agitated and irritable. While all teenagers experience mood swings to some effect, these behaviors are more pronounced in those suffering from a cocaine problem.
Steps to Take: A cocaine addiction is not something that you want to tackle on your own. According to AION Health, “addicts should always seek cocaine addiction treatment at a professional drug rehabilitation center.” It is important to remember that you are not in this alone.
As a parent, it is your job to recognize the signs of addiction in your child and to help them to find the help that they need to win this battle.