Sadly, about half of all marriages end in divorce. Whether you got married too quickly, things have changed, or someone has been unfaithful, there are many signs of a divorce that you can’t ignore.
If you and your spouse see a divorce in your future, there are steps you need to take immediately to make sure the process isn’t more painful than it needs to be. The smoother your divorce is, the sooner you can move forward with your life.
Does your marriage show a sign of a divorce? If so, keep reading for five steps you need to take immediately.
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1. Determine if Your Differences are Irreparable
If you’re even wondering “Is my marriage in trouble?” the answer is probably yes. However, signs of trouble in a marriage hardly equate to a death sentence. Most differences can be resolved.
The first thing you and your spouse need to do is decide whether or not you can work through your problems. If there are irreparable differences such as infidelity, a difference of opinion about wanting kids, or other major issues, it’s time to explore getting a divorce.
2. Contact an Attorney
The next step to take if your marriage is showing a strong sign of a divorce is to contact a divorce attorney. Divorce attorneys like Holmes Diggs & Sadler can help guide you through the process.
Unfortunately, not all divorces are amicable or peaceful. These situations require legal guidance to make sure both parties are being treated fairly.
3. Start to Separate Your Finances
One of the most common legal issues of divorce centers around the couple’s finances. Most married couples share a joint checking and savings account. There may also be stocks, bonds, and other investments.
As soon as you start to see an imminent sign of a divorce, you and your spouse need to start separating your finances. Get a different bank account and start figuring out how to split up your financial investments.
4. Inventory Your Possessions
Aside from your finances, you also need to start taking inventory of your personal possessions. For legal purposes, you need to write down every single thing you and your spouse own together. Though tedious, this will be necessary for splitting things up equally.
If things get ugly during the divorce process, you’ll need this list to make sure you’re not losing valuable possessions you’re entitled to.
5. Keep Things Civil
Finally, if you and your spouse are wondering “Should I get divorced?” you need to keep a level head. Though it’s easy to get frustrated and upset during the divorce process, it’s infinitely better if you both keep things civil.
This can be tough if you don’t get along or one of you doesn’t actually want to get divorced. However, even if your spouse is screaming at you, calling you names, or destroying your property, you must not stoop.
Record and document their actions, save messages and file everything away. When someone acts poorly, violently, or maliciously, it generally works against them in court. Talk to your lawyer about what to do if your spouse is being hostile.
Does Your Marriage Show a Sign of a Divorce?
Do you see an undeniable sign of a divorce in your marriage? Are you certain your differences are irreparable?
If so, you need to contact a divorce attorney today and make sure you’re taken care of during this unpleasant process. And if you’re looking for more legal advice, look at some of our other articles before you go. Our website is designed to provide as much legal information as possible for people like you.