It is important to understand the basics of web hosting before you start working on your online presence. What is web hosting? Web hosting is simply an internet server that stores all your files and allows your website to be accessed via the Internet. When you make your website, or hire someone to do that there are many files that are created. These files must be kept somewhere so that you and your customers can access them all the time. Web Hosting offers you resources (Bandwidth, Disk Space, uptime & RAM). It also keeps all web pages on the Offshore Servers that is fast enough to process all the requests at any given time.
There are various types of web hosting that are available, you can choose the one depending on your requirements:
Shared Hosting
Most websites are hosted on shared servers as they are the cheapest among all. Shared hosting means that your files are stored on a server that is being shared by many websites. This is good if you have a blog or a small website, but if you own a business or some streaming service, it is not a good option.
Dedicated Server
This is perhaps the best of the lot, and you rent the entire server or computer that hosts your website as dedicated Offshore Hosting. You have full control over the files on that server. You have full control of setting up the server, which makes it more flexible. Large companies and large websites often use this; it is also safe and faster.
Cloud hosting
This type of hosting is good if you have a large customer base; in this kind of hosting, a virtual server is assigned that consists of many servers located in different geographical regions. One server can fail, and another will take its place. This makes it more reliable than standalone servers and makes sure that your business does not experience downtime.
Final Word
It can be not easy to choose the right web hosting company among so many. Many of them offer the same services but charge different prices. Before you buy their packages, it is important to understand what you need from a website hosting company. Many reliable companies are known for offering good web hosting services, just Google for the best web hosting services you will have the list.