If you are looking at purchasing a home, or having one built, you are probably already aware of the many benefits of owning a home instead of renting one. But of course, everyone’s situations are different and sometimes renting can be ideal and necessary in certain situations too.
As experienced new house builders in Sydney, the team at Kurmond Homes is passionate about connecting clients with their dream homes and helping them take this major step in their lives. We deal with everything from acreage home designs to granny flats. In this article, we’ll have a look at some of the advantages of being a homeowner.
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Save You Money In The Long Run
Let’s face it, renting in Sydney can be incredibly expensive. In many cases, it is cheaper to actually repay your mortgage every month than to pay rent. You can also often get more bang for your buck, and instead of living in an apartment, you could use your monthly rental budget to invest in a double storey house design in Sydney.
But if this were true, wouldn’t everyone be doing it? The reason most people see buying a house as unattainable is the down payment. But in the long run, this really evens out, and over time you will end up saving money.
Decorate As You Please
When you are a renter, you are often governed by many rules instituted by your landlord. You may not be able to paint walls, hang art, have pets, etc. Sometimes for a house to feel like home, you need to give it your own flair, and with many rules in place, it can feel stifling. By having a home of your own, you’ll be able to decorate as you please and decide how you would like to live in it! There is no better freedom!
You Have Security
Being a renter means that at some point, you may have to move home if your lease expires and your landlord does not renew it, or the landlord ends up selling the property you’re currently renting. Renting does not offer that much security, unfortunately. On the other hand, having your own home can make you feel a lot more settled and have the ability to put down roots.
Motivation To Get Your Finances In Order
In order to buy a home, you need to be able to save for your down payment, and you’ll need a good credit score for taking out a loan. This forces you to take a good, hard look at your finances. It can help you find ways to save more and become more money-savvy. And these are tools that you can carry with you for the rest of your life.
You Are Building Wealth
When you are paying off a mortgage, you are paying towards your future and building wealth, unlike when you are renting and just paying your landlord money each month. Owning a home means owning an investment that can be left to your loved ones one day or sold to buy a better home or other assets.
Make Money From Your Home
Investing in a duplex or a split level home design in Sydney means that you and your family can live in one part of the home, and you can rent out the other part or convert it into an Airbnb. This allows your home to make money for you and help pay off your mortgage. It is even possible to turn a profit from renting portions of your home.
Are you a renter looking to make the leap towards home ownership? This decision can be challenging, but it is also incredibly exciting. Our advice would be to start saving as soon as possible and start researching the type of home that would best suit your needs.
Whether you’re looking for acreage home designs, double storey house designs in Sydney or anything in between, the team at Kurmond Homes is ready to help you design and build your next home. Feel free to get in touch with us should you have any questions at all. We’d love to tell you more about our display homes, as well as our split level home designs in Sydney.