Everyone in business knows that networking is vital to success, but it’s also well-known that networking is hard. With a solid plan, experience, and a touch of courage, networking can open the doors to many new opportunities for you and your business. Let’s look at some of the best networking hacks to help your new business get noticed.
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Try, try, try again
If you’re taking your networking seriously and trying consistently, it’s important to know that you’re going to get a lot of rejections. It’s a rite of passage for most business owners. Nonetheless, you have to keep trying. Networking is all about getting out there and putting your all into it. If you’re seeing no progress whatsoever, switch up your tactics and try again.
Hand out useful marketing items alongside your business cards
Business cards are great for making sure people can contact you when they need to, but the chances are that your business cards will end up being shoved in a drawer along with business cards from dozens of other companies like yours. That’s why you need to get smart with your marketing materials. Don’t just hand someone a business card, give them something that they might use every day, like IGO promo lighters. Every time someone goes to light a cigarette, they’ll be presented with your company’s name, and that means that your business card might be the first one they fish out of the drawer. You could also look at pens, notebooks, or other everyday items.
Make connections even if they don’t seem useful
If you find yourself on the outskirts of an event, away from the big players, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t network. Even if you talk to someone and realize that they aren’t directly in your field, there’s absolutely no harm in making that connection. Networking is all about making the biggest net of contacts you can, and you might find that an unassuming contact introduces you to someone who can turn your business around.
Introduce your connections to one another
In the same vein, you should always be sure to introduce your contacts to one another when the opportunity presents itself. If you’re at a trade show and happen to meet people you know, making the introduction will cement you in their minds as someone with contacts, which is a sure-fire way to get more attention and get introduced to more contacts. Going beyond this, if you think one of your contacts can help another with a problem they have, you should absolutely put them in touch, with you as the in-between. Being seen as someone who can solve problems or help other people’s businesses is a great reputation to have.
Reach out on multiple channels
Face-to-face meetings are great, but you also need to get a good strategy for reaching out to people via email, phone, and other internet platforms. Remember to use the channel that your connection prefers. You’re more likely to get meetings and get interaction if people don’t have to go out of their way to talk to you.
Think ahead
In the early days of a business, it’s hard to think about anything other than the immediate problems you’ll face when trying to get off the ground. If you want your business to have longevity, you need to think ahead. Don’t just make contacts for the here and now, also try to find ways to network with people who you might need in a year or two down the line.
Keep your promises
No one likes it when someone breaks a promise, so don’t be that someone. If you promise anything, no matter how small, you need to see it through. If you’ve promised to email someone details of your business on Monday, make sure you don’t forget about it until Tuesday. If you’ve agreed to introduce them to someone else, make sure you make that introduction. Once people know they can trust you, they’ll be more likely to want to work with you. Of course, sometimes you can’t keep a promise despite your best efforts, so it’s good to also consider how you can break promises but not lose face.
Final thoughts
Networking is hard, but you’ll find you get better at it over time. There are lots of new businesses all vying for the same attention, so you’ll need to put a lot of time and effort into networking, though the tips above can help put you on a good footing.
It’s also worth remembering that all these tips fit well for any business. You’ll also need to remember what’s unique and exciting about your business and work this into your networking. This makes sure you will get noticed in the sea of people looking for connections.