YouTube has rated the 2nd most visited website online at the moment next to Facebook, with over 1.9 billion users. This platform has created dreams for everyone across all ages and genders throughout the globe—the desire to be the next YouTube sensation.
To be the next YouTube sensation, you need to have the right tools like a portable camera tripod, microphone, video editing software, and a high-quality ring light to achieve it. The competition for the most-watched, most views, most shared, and the highest number of subscribers on YouTube has been rising. This platform is also a means to get a profit from creating videos and posting it online—a simple way to create a big smooth lump of money with the right tools for YouTubers.
This article will point out the tools you needed to be the next YouTube sensation.
The ultimate thing you’ll need is a camera. It is not a crazy-expensive camera, I assure you. But you will need just to create a High-Quality Video. A lot of bloggers, nowadays, prefer to use their smartphones than a camera that often render better results. But let me give you a warning. This is only effective if you are for “talking head” videos meaning you are just sitting in front of the camera. Your viewers will notice it and appreciate higher-quality videos, which hopefully keep them from being interested and watching it.
What camera should you purchase since you are not yet making money on the video just yet? It is one of the questions that pops out of your mind.
You could choose an entry-level DSLR, mirrorless camera, action camera, and camcorder. Depending on your experience level as a vlogger and the kind of video you would like to shoot might be your criterion for choosing the right camera for you. It is difficult, for real, since they are a variety of cameras to choose from.
Bad audio is a thumbs-down for videos. Most viewers will still watch your video even though your shots are a little bit shaken, or the shots have shadows on the scene. Always, they will not stick any much longer if your audio is terrible. The most effective way to have good sound is by not using the built-in microphone on your gadget (smartphone/camera/computer). You have to buy external audio simply because there is still a distorted sound coming from the built-in microphone for compact cameras.
If you would like to shoot a video, wherein you are just a couple of feet away from the camera, a shotgun microphone will be highly sensitive to the direction you are pointing it. It would not pick up much of the noise from the sides or rear. The closer you get from the microphone from your camera, the better.
If you shoot a few feet away from your camera, then you need a microphone off-camera and a boom stand that will hold the microphone in position. You have to place the microphone above you, just off-screen for optimum audio quality. To further visualize the use of a shotgun microphone, it is often used in shooting movies wherein a microphone has to be placed just above the actors for more evident audio quality.
This microphone is also termed as “clip-on microphone,” wherein you position the mic closer to the speaker’s mouth, but this is the only ideal for the speaker that moves around. If you are only speaking in your room, not moving at all or moving around, then this lavalier microphone is a NO, NO.
This is a microphone that is ideal for capturing quality audio directly from your computer. A little bit of warning, if you go for a USB microphone, then you will need a program or software to record your audio from your microphone.
If you are looking for a reliable and good mic for making YouTube videos, highly recommend to check this list:
To create sensational videos, prank videos, or whatever video you can think of right now, your camera, ultimately need support. Support comes in many options as well, depending on the weight of your camera. Other options also rely upon if you are into shooting the movement or shooting at different angles for a single location.
Lighting might be the most uncommon essential equipment for vlogging. You know why? Because most videos are done outdoors, and they think that the light is enough to show the quality of the video. Also, for indoor shooting, some vloggers take it for granted since the room is so lit, and the focus has been shown clearly in the video.
With all the equipment in place: camera, lighting, and microphone ready, you will need software that will make your video ready for uploading already. Many software is available online for free, and you can even download it through your smartphone. You can edit and upload your videos anytime and anywhere, even without using a computer. Like Apple Imovie, Adobe Premiere Pro. But just like any program, it requires a particular specification for smartphones and computers to have the program provide its full potential on editing videos.
Vlogging is not at all complicated. That is why many people are into vlogging nowadays. It is because,with just a high-quality camera, the basic setup for lights and tripod, and an external microphone, your dream to be the next YouTube sensation is just around the corner. But a great warning: Basic equipment like camera, lights, support, microphone, and the software will not guarantee your vlog’s success. You still need to promote it online diligently.