If you are searching for Lego DC Super Villains Cheat Codes, this article will give you all the complete cheats codes from the Lego DC Super Villains.
It’s great to be awful! Why maintain the norm and degenerate political frameworks, when it’s such a ton simpler and more amusing to set it all ablaze? Or on the other hand on account of LEGO DC Super Villains, crush everything into a blocky wreck and utilize said obliteration to construct significantly more prominent weapons of mass disarray and tricks. Read Amity Park Cheats.
Similar as many many other LEGO games, LEGO DC Super Villains has a whole multiverse worth of characters to gather, open and play around with. Some can be discovered, others can be purchased and a pack more can be straight up added to your list with a tad bit of the ol’ cheat code enchantment. From exemplary Bow Precious stone fixated adversaries, for example, General Zod to more dark dangers like Clock Ruler, there’s a ton of underhandedness simply holding back to be found.
Here’s a rundown of the relative multitude of characters found in the game up until now, that you can enroll to your awful reason. You should simply visit the Joker’s Den after the principal story mission has been finished, fix the comedian sovereign of wrongdoing’s truck and afterward you’ll recognize an immense LEGO Joker face. Go ready, press the connect catch and you can type in a cheat code.
Table of Contents
Lego DC Super Villains Cheat Codes: Character Unlock
- Adam Strange – QF7NT (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Atrocitus – 9RHJJ (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Black Canary – ND6AL (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Blue Beetle – 8VV5Q (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Clock King – Z6AU7 (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Detective Chimp – BQWSG (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Dexstarr – KFLQM (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Doctor Fate – KPTCC (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Dr Light – 6NWX5 (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Doctor Poison – GWWBS (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Firestorm – HFMHM (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- General Zod – D8577 (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Green Lantern John Stewart – KNJ2P (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Hawk Girl – LNSB9 (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Jessica Cruz – S5DB6 (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Lady Shiva – XQP2L (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Martian Manhunter (True Form) – Y7MFR (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Monseiur Mallah – GM9MX (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Mr Mxyzptlk – NURPU (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Plasticman – E6HUY (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Ravager – UVWHS (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Red Robin – JNLPY (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Red Tornado – CKDRF (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Star Sapphire – QD2GY (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Terra – F79GU (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- The Trickster – YRZMS (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
- Toyman – VB5AS (Character Unlock Cheat Codes)
How to use Cheat Codes?

First complete the primary part, once done, go to the fundamental center point and track down the goliath Joker face. Stroll up on the Joker face, press circle or B and utilize the Joker’s teeth to enter the codes.
You would now be able to utilize the Additional items (stop menu) to get back to the Joker Face.
Lego DC Super Villains Cheat Codes: Characters List
This is the full list of characters in Lego DC Super Villains:
- Custom Character
- Adam Strange
- Anti-Monitor
- Aqualad
- Aquaman
- Ares
- Arsenal
- Atom
- Atomica
- Atrocitus
- B’dg
- Bane
- Batgirl
- Batman
- Batwoman
- Beast Boy
- Big Barda
- Bizarro
- Black Adam
- Black Canary
- Blue Beetle
- Black Manta
- Booster Gold
- Brainiac
- Bronze Tiger
- Calendar Man
- Captain Boomerang
- Captain Cold
- Cat Woman
- Chang Tzu
- Cheetah
- Chesire
- Clayface
- Clock King
- Commissioner Gordon
- Condiment King
- Copperhead
- Count Veritgo
- Creeper
- Cyborg
- Darksied
- Deadshot
- Deathstorm
- Deathstroke
- Desaad
- Detective Chimp
- Dexxstar
- Doctor Fate
- Doctor Light
- Donna Troy
- Doctor Poison
- Doomsday
- Eclipso
- Enchantress
- Eradicator
- Felix Faust
- Firefly
- Firestorm
- Flash Barry Allen
- Flash Wally West
- Frankenstein
- General Zod
- Gentleman Ghost
- Gizmo
- Golden Glider
- Gorilla Grodd
- Grail
- Green Arrow
- Granny Goodness
- Green Lantern Hal Jordon
- Green Lantern John Stewart
- Grid
- Harley Quinn
- Hawkgirl
- Hawkman
- Heatwave
- Hugo Strange
- Huntress
- Jessica Cruz
- Jinx
- Johnny Quick
- Joker
- Kalibak
- Kanto
- Katana
- Kid Flash
- Killer Croc
- Killer Frost
- King Shark
- Kite Man
- Klarion the Witch Boy
- Krypto
- Lady Shiva
- Lashina
- Lex Luthor
- Livewire
- Lobo
- Lois Lane
- Mad Harriet
- Malcolm Merlyn
- Mammouth
- Mantis
- Martian Manhunter
- Mazah
- Mercy Graves
- Metallo
- Mirror Master
- Mister Miracle
- Mongrul
- Monsier Mallah
- Mr. Freeze
- Mr. Mxyzptlk
- Music Meister
- Nightwing
- Omac
- Orion
- Owlman
- Parasite
- Penguin
- Plastic Man
- Poison Ivy
- Polka Dot Man
- Power Ring
- Psimon
- Psycho Pirate
- Ra’s Al Ghul
- Rose Wilson
- Raven
- Red Hood
- Red Robin
- Reverse Flash
- Red Tornado
- Riddler
- Robin
- Scarecrow
- Sea King
- Shadow
- Shazam
- Silver Banshee
- Simon Baz
- Sinestro
- Solomon Grundy
- Solovar
- Starfire
- Star Sapphire
- Steppenwolf
- Stompa
- Superboy
- Superman
- Superwoman
- Talon
- Terra
- Trickster
- Trigon
- Toyman
- Two-Face
- Ultra Humanite
- Ultraman
- Ventriloquist
- Virmin V
- Vixen
- Wonder Girl
- Wonder Woman
How to Change characters in DC Super Villains?
Enter Fre Play mode and pick the character you need.
LEGO DC Super Villains is out right now on an entire pack of stages. On the off chance that you’ve played one LEGO game via Lego DC Super Villains Cheat Codes, you’ve played them all. In any case, if there’s one thing that this freshest LEGO game has making it work, it’s certainly more artistic liberty, wackiness and a voice cast that peruses like a fantasy group get-together of Equity Association Limitless. Everlastingly malevolent child.