The most beneficial and simplest exercise that can make your body healthy is plank exercise. Not only it looks simple but also the steps involved in it are simple to do. But the problem that people face and leave this exercise is doing a plank for few seconds is quite easy but doing it for a long time makes it difficult and hard to complete which makes people leave it at an early stage.
But you must keep in mind that doing it for the short term will not improve much of your strength and muscular power and only doing it for the long term can improve your strength. Today in this article, we will discuss what is Plank Exercise and how it helps to build a healthy body. We will discuss Plank benefits also.
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What is the Plank Exercise?
The plank exercise helps to build strength and power in your body. It is the most beneficial and simple exercise which involves keeping your body perpendicular to the ground and your stomach should face downwards and elevating your body off the ground with your hands or elbows.
It is a similar exercise to pushups just you don’t have to move your body. We know it looks very easy exercise but performing it daily and for a long time will make it a strenuous exercise. It is becoming a more popular exercise because of its bodyweight exercise which means you don’t need any equipment and can do it with your body only.
How To Do Plank Exercise?
There are many ways of doing plank exercise but to make it simple, we have decided to list here the basic plank workout so that you don’t get stressed out with it in a few days. You can also go for the advanced methods but we recommend you first do the basic one and then go for the advanced methods.
So to do a high-plank or front plank, position your body in a push-up position and rise to the top of this position. You should make it sure that your back is straight and now you have to hold this position. Make your elbows straight under your shoulders.
If you are a beginner then we recommend you do it for 30 seconds at the start and then on daily basis add 5 more seconds. You can also do the forearm plank if the high plank is hard for you. Just rest your weight on your forearms, not on your palms. It is good for long term plank workout.
Related: Yoga For Healthy and Stress-Free Life
Benefits of Plank Exercise
There are many benefits of doing the plank workout a few of them we will list here. Most people think it is not an easy and effective exercise but they don’t know how perfect this exercise is and how powerful it can make your body. It is the best workout that makes every part of your body strengthen and stronger.
Not only the plank exercise benefits your body mass but also improves the skeletal system, focus, and concentration on something plus breathe taking. Below are the best benefits of a plank workout that will make you stronger and stronger.
- Best core exercise to strengthen your body.
- It will improve your posture.
- Will decrease the risk of back and spinal column injury.
- It will boost your overall metabolism.
- Your body balance will improve with this plank exercise.
- It will make your body more flexible than ever before.
- Not only the body gets benefits but also your mental health will improve.
- You will smile a whole day as it makes your mood happy and your body healthy.