The evolution of fiber optics has brought changes in the ways they are utilized. The use of fiber optics in the digital world has made the sharing of data more accessible and quicker. With the evolution in technology as well, fiber optics are used in different fields giving us the desired results. From cable television to computers, to telephones, to military and space applications, fiber optics is ruling every sphere of the world. The use of fiber optics in lasers has made a mark in different industries. Fiber laser is a type of laser that uses optic fiber doped in rare earth elements as an active medium.
Using fiber laser comes with different benefits that are as follows:
One of the most valuable advantages of fiber laser cutting is the cost. The price of this technology saves you a lot of money in the initial purchase and for the lifetime of the laser. Fiber Optic laser is an asset that will give your results for a long period of time.
Fiber lasers do not require optical mirrors as other laser technology does. In fact, the focusing lens is also not exposed and is sealed within the cutting head, resulting in a long lifetime of the fiber optic technology required it is adequately maintained.
No moving parts:
The moving parts of any technology need high maintenance and operating cost along with trained personal. The light pulses are sent through fiber optic cables that do not require moving mirrors to generate power, while other types of lasers need a rapidly moving mirror to generate laser at high power.
Mirror’s life expectancy is increased by its proper maintenance, which results in slow productivity and it might lead to increased operating cost.
Increased cutting speed:
Another advantage of using fiber optic laser technology is the increase in the cutting speed. The speed of the fiber optic laser is three times faster than that of a traditional laser.
The fiber optic laser can cut through various types of materials, including metals, ceramics, silicon, plastics, polymers, gemstones, and precious metals.
Cutting through reflective material:
Cutting the reflective material using a traditional laser can harm the equipment if the laser bounced off through the surface of the reflective material, which makes it one of the major problems to use standard technology. This makes it hard to use the traditional technology for the cutting of brass, aluminum, and copper.
This problem that occurs because of the traditional laser can be overcome by using a fiber-optic laser that allows cutting of such materials.
Electricity savior:
The CO2 lasers that are most often used require a considerable amount of electricity to produce a laser beam. A 2 kW fiber laser cutting will use one-third of the power used by a 4 kW CO2 resulting in less use of the electricity.
A fiber-optic laser will not only use less electricity but also increase the life expectancy of the hardware used, giving you long-lasting results and worth of your money.