“The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values.”—William S. Burroughs
Education is not just about mugging up facts and back questions in your textbooks. It is not just about learning English, Science and Maths at school. It is much more than that. It is deeply about values, knowledge and skills we gain we need to upgrade ourselves to become better humans, and at the same time, make this world a better place to live in with our mindful contribution. Hybrid learning in schools has become a buzz in the education sector. And no wonder it is a necessity in today’s world that holds so many inexplicable challenges.
Do you think Education is just learning how to read and write? Then, you’re mistaken. Education is a tool that helps an individual grow personally, professionally and socially. It broadens the realms of our thinking that helps us accommodate diversity in the world – different languages, different cultures, and different societies. And this is needed for the present generation because they live in a genuinely globalised society. They just cannot afford to be the frog in the well. They need to be smart and become better according to the changing realities of the changing world.
Gone are the days when the traditional method of learning was the bible of Education. The current unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the gaps in the old system of Education. Due to this, there has been a seismic shift to online Education to ensure continuous learning. Pedagogy has evolved at many levels to accommodate the present demands where schools are shut, and the kids are not allowed to move out of homes. Though many schools have seen a dip in their academic and administrative performance, the smart schools have fared better than their counterparts as they had the life jackets with them.
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As the name suggests, smart school is different from a traditional school that is just a brick-and-mortar model. A smart school follows modern pedagogy based on advanced equipment and technology for teaching and learning purposes to prepare the kids for the Information Age. ‘Learning through progressing’ is the core mantra at the heart of a smart school. It shuns the old method of ‘Progressing through learning’. And it ensures that by maintaining a healthy ‘connection’ amongst all the stakeholders at all times.
Earlier, schools were hesitant to adopt technology, and they were happy following the age-old pedagogy. But COVID-19 has forced them to shun the age-old ways as they have understood that they are not going to work anymore. They understood that only following the textbook curriculum with due diligence is not enough, that they shouldn’t be the prisoners of their timetable. It became clear to them that learning, the main motto of schooling, has taken the back seat. Making the timetable sacrosanct will do no good in the current age. This is where Hybrid learning in schools holds a promising future for schools if they want to be the best.
The realisation that rote learning needs to be replaced by progressive learning gave birth to the idea of hybrid learning in schools. It combines the best of both models of learning, offline and online. The architects of hybrid learning have designed it by incorporating the best methods from physical classrooms and e-classrooms.
It combines curriculum, technology, tools and pedagogy into an integrated system of learning, thus ensuring continuous Education at all times. It doesn’t depend on the factors beyond our control, such as shutting down schools, absenteeism, etc. This has proven to improve student learning and teachers’ teaching experience. The schools who had adopted this mode across the country before the pandemic hit us have performed well as they have achieved their academic goals and haven’t missed any deadlines.
Hybrid learning results in improved academic performance as online learning through videos, images, etc. make learning easy for the brain and offline learning ensures an excellent social environment for the students to engage with their friends and discuss with them. It delivers lessons via multimedia, thereby creating a more personalised and collaborative learning environment. It enables non-stop learning anytime, anywhere and reduces the administration costs of running a school.
Integration of both the learning systems has called for effective School Management Systems and Learning Management Systems. These systems are your saviour in the testing times. They are the vital vitamins that your school body needs to become smart and stand out. They combine the best technological solutions to deliver learning content.
These management systems bridge the gaps between the educators, managers, students and parents. They help manage the day-to-day operations of the school by connecting all the departments and stakeholders with each other in a single platform. This leads to the efficient working of the school. To provide the students with a full schooling impact, they need a lot of attention and support when they learn online in a remote learning environment.
Many companies have started offering these solutions to the schools. They are committed to ensuring seamless and smooth schooling experience irrespective of whether the students are attending the school. These technology offerings better monitor and improve student learning outcomes and school performance.
In today’s era, the parents’ aspirations are high, but the schools are unable to deliver due to their dependency on the traditional age-old methods, and that’s the sweet spot where these systems work. The COVID-19 pandemic has strengthened the position of Smart schools in the market. The demand for these products is rising every day because a good school always strives to provide sound education to its pupils.
All the stakeholders understand the necessity of hybrid learning in schools because only sound education can assure you of a better future and a better world. And as always, technology can help you achieve this dream. Invest in yourself to reap more significant dividends. Adopt hybrid learning in your school and get astonished by the magic your smart school creates.