Many of us like to believe that we all have that key “leadership gene.” We like to tell ourselves that we could command armies if we needed to, and that even our simple team of staffers in the office would walk with us through the bowels of hell if that was our wish. Romantic as such images are, they are rarely true because so many leaders don’t take active steps to maintain and strengthen their leadership skills.
A classic mistake that managers and other leaders make is thinking that because they’ve reached the higher rungs of the professional ladder, that they no longer need to try, and whatever they do is going to be right. Otherwise, why would they be there, right? Wrong! Good leaders know that one has to continuously better oneself, and below are some ways to do just that:
- Get Coaching
Competing in a dynamic and wealthy state like Victoria can make life as a business leader stressful. If you want to stay ahead of the pack and be the best leader possible, then expert executive coaching in Melbourne can be an excellent way to do it.
Some leaders don’t like the idea of coaching, because they think there’s nothing a coach can teach them, especially if that coach is younger than they are. A good leader knows that others, even younger professionals, have things that they can teach them, and they will actively listen and absorb advice, reflecting on how they can apply it to their own working lives.
- Become a Better Listener
As the old saying goes, we have two ears but only one mouth, so a good leader should listen twice as much as they shout. It’s sound advice, but how many people really live by that? Are you a leader who perhaps loves the sound of their own voice just a bit too much? If so, then taking steps to try and listen more will help you. There’s nothing worse for a team’s morale than everyone feeling unheard and unvalued by their leaders.
- Learn to Handle Failure
Sometimes, things go wrong and you lose the battle. Members of the team will look to their leader during these challenging times for a sense of that leadership and steadfastness that they expect. Good leaders know to be reflective at times of failure, taking responsibility for what goes wrong, and discussing ideas with the team on how they might avoid such things happening again. Most of all, they don’t flap about like wet hens!
- Be Ready to Make Changes
No fit leader resists meaningful and powerful changes. Those who fight tooth and nail to keep things exactly as they are mostly are seeking to serve themselves, or they are too short-sighted to see what has to happen in order for improvements and gains to be made within any team and/or organisation.
If you want to be a better leader, you have to constantly ready yourself for change, and in fact be ready to fully embrace it. The more you do, the more you can move along with those changes, rather than being swept away by them.
- Work On Your Communication
One of the most important things that you will do as a leadership figure is to always work to get the best out of your team. A big part of that is being able to clearly and articulately communicate your expectations to your staff. How can we expect staff to do a good job if we don’t give them proper briefing or instructions on what it is we expect them to accomplish?
So, either through professional development courses, or by accessing resources yourself and trying to work on the issue, find ways to make yourself a better and better communicator.