Did you know that 16 million adults suffer from back pain?
This is often because they spend too long laying down on bad mattresses. Mattresses often become too lumpy from age. This is because the pressure from a person is enough to push materials like cotton to the side.
The accumulated material will form into lumps that make the mattress uncomfortable. More factors go into making a mattress uncomfortable, but it all boils down to the mattress being old. How long do mattresses last then if you want to get ahead of the problems?
Here’s a guide that will help you know all you need to know about your mattress. Read on to learn how long they will last and the signs that you need to change them.
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How Long Do Mattresses Last?
The average life of a mattress depends on the type of mattress you have in your hands. Most households use futons laid on top of wooden bed frames as their mattresses. These often last upwards of 10 years before they start becoming uncomfortable to lay down on.
Air mattresses have the shortest lifespan and last only around five years. You can make them last longer if you know the proper way to take care of them. This is avoidable if you get the right air mattresses, though.
You want an air mattress made from the right material if you want them to last longer. A flippable mattress is also great at extending its lifespan. This ensures that you apply even pressure between the two sides to make it last longer.
Memory foam mattresses last a bit longer, being at least eight years before they start to degrade. These often sag because of uneven foundations. These result in permanent damage where it becomes unusable.
If your mattress has springs inside, it will always last up to only 10 years. This is because the springs will degrade or rust within 10 years. These can cause uncomfortable bumps that are the chief reason behind sleep deprivation.
Water beds made from strong plastic materials will last longer, up to 20 years. This is because they have nothing but water inside. This makes it easier to maintain since you need not worry about internal materials from expiring.
Signs That You Need a New Mattress
Besides getting back pains and feeling lumps on your mattress, here are a few signs that you need a new mattress. Look out for these signs if you want to prevent further suffering on your back.
Saggy Mattress
The clearest sign that a mattress needs replacing is that it has grooves going deep into itself. This often happens when people have a preferred side where they lay down. While some people may think this can bring more comfort, it does the exact opposite of that.
Your body needs a flat surface to lay down on when you’re sleeping. This is to help your spine have some support as you sleep. A sagged mattress prevents your spine from finding comfort and causes you to have backaches when you wake up.
You Feel Itchy When Laying Down on It
Do you scratch yourself all over when you wake up? This can be because there’s an infestation in your mattress.
Despite the belief today, bed bugs are on the rise and will wreak havoc on you while you sleep. If you spot one, it’s time for you to change your mattress.
Bed bugs settle down and create a nest in your mattress. These nests are quick to spread throughout the mattress and are hard to get rid of. It doesn’t matter how many layers of fabric you put on top of the mattress to stop them, too.
They will only crawl up and spread their nests through the other layers. Once they get out of control, you’ll need to fumigate your home to get rid of all of them. You can prevent this by removing the mattress before they grow.
It Squeaks
As mentioned above, innerspring and hybrid mattresses will only last up to 10 years. This is because the springs will begin to degrade as it ages. A good reminder that your mattress is due for a change is that your mattress will squeak.
This is a sign that the coils inside the mattress are starting to wear down. Some coils will lose their shape and begin to poke you. This is what makes a lumpy mattress and makes it uncomfortable to lay down on.
There are Many Stains and Smells
Other signs of age are the smells and stains that it accumulates throughout the years. These are unavoidable because everyone leaves their mark on their mattresses. Simple things like our sweat or the moisture that comes out of us when we breathe can stain the mattress.
Any visible stain is only a sign that the mattress has been around for too long. Hard stains like these are hard to remove and will often have a particular scent tied with them.
How to Maintain Mattresses
If you want to extend the life of a mattress, there are many ways for you to do so. A great way to start is to put a mattress cover on it. This will help you prevent stains and smells from embedding themselves into your mattress.
You can also flip your mattress every once in a while. Doing this gives you a flat surface to lay on as the other side resets. You can also rotate it so that the other end of the mattress receives the same pressure as the other end.
The best way to maintain a mattress, though, is to ensure it has a stable foundation. An uneven frame will cause the bed to sag and pull down anything inside the mattress. It will put the mattress in danger of damage and put your sleep at risk.
Learn How Long Mattresses Last Today
Keep yourself from having a bad night by getting yourself a new mattress! How long do mattresses last, though? Use our guide to find out whether you need a new one today!
Do you want to learn more about flippable mattresses? These have more benefits than you think and can help you have a full night’s sleep. Check out more of our guides to learn all you need to learn about these mattresses today!