For Muslims, Friday is a very important day. The significance and benefits of this day outweigh those of any other day.
In Muslim communities, this is the day for congregational prayer. They hear a lecture immediately before the prayer, designed to empower them with knowledge of God and the religion of Islam.
Unlike other days of the week, it is a blessed day which has been designated as such by God, Almighty.
Even celebrations are viewed as acts of worship by believers. God has given us certain moments, days, or times for worship; Friday is one of them; it does not have to be a special place or time
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Congregational prayer (a mandatory obligation for men) is one of the most strongly emphasized duties in Islam. It is a time when Muslims reaffirm their devotion and faith to One God while standing together and worshipping.
Those who believe, rejoice! The Friday prayer call must be answered promptly. Keep away from business when the prayer call is issued. Knowing would be best for you.” (Quran 62:9)
The Friday holiday is often combined with either the Thursday or Saturday holiday in predominantly Muslim countries.
Although businesses do not have to close in order to pray, they are allowed to remain open. Many Muslims do their lunch breaks during prayer time in the early afternoon, which is when many pray in western countries.
The Prophet Muhammad told his followers that God expiates any sins committed between the five daily prayers and the Friday prayer, assuming one does not commit any major sins.
In light of these matters, it is imperative that Muslims do not neglect Friday prayers.
Those who ignore this prayer three times in a row, without a valid reason, will wander off the straight path if they ignore it.
There are many recommended acts that men, women, and children can perform on this day, even though only men are required to attend the Friday congregational prayer.
You should take a bath and wear clean clothes, pray to God and send blessings upon Prophet Muhammad, along with reading Chapter 18 of the Quran titled ‘The Cave’.
Prophet’s Saying about Friday:
According to Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, “Friday is the most virtuous day.” There is an hour in which no one will pray to God without receiving a response from God
“Cross-referential prayer for believers is conducted during the last hour after Asr (the third prayer in the day).
God will give him a light to the next Friday who recite ‘The Cave’ on Friday.”
There is no better day for the sun to rise than Friday; that’s when Adam was created. That’s when he entered the Heavenly Gardens, was expelled from them, and when he died. That’s the day the Day of Resurrection begins.”
Another Quranic verse was revealed on Friday.
(Quran 5:3) “I have perfected your religion for you today, completed My Favor upon you, and selected Islam as your religion.”
In order to understand the significance of Friday, let us take a look at Omar’s life. Omar asked, “Which verse is that?”.” The man replied, “This day, I have perfected your religion for you.” The Jewish scientist replied “If it had been revealed to us, we would have celebrated this day annually”. He told a story about how the verse was revealed in this place and at that time. We were already celebrating twice that day. First, it was Friday, a Muslim holiday (celebration) for all Muslims. Second, it was Arafat, the day deemed the most important for Hajj pilgrims.” Omar went on to say that this verse was revealed to Prophet Muhammad while he was sitting on his camel after Asr (afternoon prayer).
A Muslim’s life takes on a special significance on Friday, when the congregational prayer takes place. Neither past nor present scholars of Islam have ignored this fact. The biggest fan of Friday was believed to be Ibnul-Qayyim. In a work called Zad Al-Ma’ad, he cited 32 noteworthy characteristics of the day [7]. In the words of Prophet Muhammad, “Verily, this is the Eid day (day of celebration) directed by God towards the Muslims.”[8]. Those who believe in God would do well to take advantage of Friday’s blessings. On this day, we will gather in assembly, celebrate, contemplate, and supplication.