Are you waiting for a work visa to work in the USA? Are you a student looking forward to obtaining a work visa and maybe even settling down in the country, or are you an immigrant intending to fulfill all the legal requirements while also being able to stay and work in the country?
Whichever of these situations matches you, or even if you are a participant in a different scenario, you must know your Social Security Number is the key to most of your problems and solutions as well as a crucial legal requirement of the USA.
If you lost your SSN card recently, you know it must be needed and to get an ssn template click here quickly. Let’s know more about Social Security Number, its purpose as well as its application process, this article will provide you with detailed information.
What is a Social Security Number?
In the United States Of America, the Social Security Number (SSN) is the nine-digit number issued to citizens of the US, permanent residents, and temporary (working) residents.
The number is issued to every individual by the Social Security Administration, which is an independent agency of the US government. Although the purpose of the social security number was limited to tracking individuals and their work history as well eligibility for benefits and its calculation, today, it serves as the de facto national identification number for taxation and other purposes.
Types of Social Security Cards
There are four different types of social security cards issues based on their geographic location (SSN area number):
Persons of natural birth within the territorial boundaries of any one of the member states of the USA.
Persons who become US citizens by oath or birth within the exclusive legislative or territorial jurisdiction of the USA government.
Persons who become US permanent residents.
Persons with certain restrictions.
The two restricted types of Social Security cards are:
One reads, “not valid for employment.” These social security cards cannot be used as proof of work authorization. Additionally, they are also not acceptable as a List C document on the I-9 form.
The other reads, “valid for work only with DHS authorization,” or if it is an older card, then it reads “valid for work only with INS authorization.” These cards are issued to those people who have temporary work authorization in the US from the Department of Homeland Security which is the nation’s border agency. If accompanied by a work authorization card, they can satisfy the I-9 requirement.
Usually, the Social Security Cards display the cardholder’s name and number. In fact, the new social security number card design also comes with covert and overt security features as created by the SSA and GPO design teams to prevent forgery of the social security cards. To remember, you can misplace our ssn card anytime, so to reduce this happening frequently, buy a soft copy of the ssn psd file from All Documents PSD.
Structure of the Social Security Number Cards
The Social Security Administration changed the SSN assignment process to SSN randomization on June 25, 2011. This affected the SSN assignment process as follows:
The geographical significance of the first three digits of the SSN, referred to as the area number, was eliminated as the first three digits of the social security number were no longer assigned by the individual’s resident state or by the location of their company’s headquarters. The SSN randomization also eliminates the significance of the highest group number assigned for each area number. This thus means that the High Group List is frozen in time and can be used for the validation of only those SSNs that were issued before SSN randomization was implemented.
Through SSN randomization, previously unassigned area numbers have been introduced for assignment. This is, however, excluding the numbers 000, 666, and 900-999. This thus means that after the implementation of SSN randomization, the assignment of area numbers between 734 and 749 and above 772 through the 800s became valid. However, if you need to any SSN card to prevent losing anytime, then you can collect a digital copy of alldocumentspsd SSN psd template.
The Social Security Administration does not reuse any social security numbers and, in fact, says that it has enough unique social security numbers to last generations without having to reuse the assigned social security numbers or changing the number of digits in the social security number.
However, there have been some cases where multiple individuals have been mistakenly assigned the same social security number.
Remember, the last four digits of your social security number are most important to be protected as by using them, someone else can get credit, steal your money, etc. Before the implementation of SSN randomization, these represented a straight numerical sequence of digits from 0001 to 9999 within the group.