Doing what you love is life. Successful people discover what they love and think of ways to earn a living doing it. Since you are reading this article, chances are you feel lost and you are trying to discover your purpose or passion in life.
As human beings, we tend to feel a deep void in life from time to time because it’s in our nature to need a sense of belonging and the ability to see the progress that we are making in our lives. Today, we are going to share some of the best ways that will help you discover what you are passionate about. In most cases, we must experience pain to move to the next level.
Table of Contents
The hierarchy of needs
The hierarchy of needs was developed by Abraham Maslow, a scientist who wanted to find out what motivates people. He believed that every human being possesses a set of motivations that are unrelated to rewards. He stated that everyone is motivated to achieve his or her needs. When one need is fulfilled, the person moves to the next one and so on.
Before reaching the self-actualization stage, you have to have your priorities in order. For instance, you cannot expect to run a business that you are passionate about if you don’t meet your basic psychological needs such as water, food, shelter, and clothing. Once you solve problems on the lower planes of life, you’ll be in a better position to solve problems on a higher plane.
1. Shift your mindset
Discovering your purpose and passion in life is entirely on you because it’s spiritual. Other people can only point you towards the resources you’ll need. You can shift your mindset by:
- Reading books – Reading for at least thirty minutes every day will greatly improve the quality of your life. Reading will not only make you smarter but also increase your imagination and help you discover your passion.
- Join a mastermind group – A mastermind group is a group of people who come together to talk about life and business. They help each other in solving problems, designing and launching new products, and dealing with customer demands. Masterminds can be casual or formal depending on what the group prefers.
2. Stop chasing money
According to assignment help, and money is a medium that helps us get more tools to improve the quality of our lives. We all desire money. However, some people want money for the wrong reasons. And that’s why it eludes them. Don’t chase money thinking that it will change who you are or impress others.
If you want to discover your purpose and passion in life, you need to take your time to reflect and to ensure that you have a good relationship with money. Once you discover your passion, you won’t care whether you are paid or not, said John O. from best essay writing service and essay writers at SuperiorPapers.
3. Don’t quit your job yet
If you discover your passion, don’t make decisions hastily. It’s best to stay on your current job as you research and create other possibilities. Instead of quitting your job, consider doing your passion as a side job and build up the income for a couple of months or years. By doing this, you’ll end up building cash reserves while developing the skills necessary for your passion.
4. Let go of fear
The one thing that stops most people from discovering their passions is the fear of being judged by other people. There is nothing wrong with discovering what you love and doing it. You have to keep in mind that judgments from other people do not reflect who you are.
In fact, nobody knows you better than yourself. Instead of focusing on what other people will say, focus on yourself. On your deathbed, the only thing that will matter is whether you discovered your passion and lived your life to the fullest.
5. Take action
Taking action doesn’t always involve doing what’s easy. If you are always thinking and sitting back, nothing will ever happen. You have to take action. Start participating actively in your life. It will be very difficult for you to discover what you are passionate about if you don’t act now.
As you try out new things, try to bring your passion and enthusiasm into everything you do. This will make your life enjoyable and better in every way. Plus, you’ll increase your chances of discovering your purpose and passion.
6. Think of what you loved as a child
This is the simplest way to discover what you are passionate about. When we were children, we always knew what we wanted and what made us happy. As we grew up, we started conforming to other people’s ideas –especially the grown-ups around us.
Now is the time to rediscover your passions. If you loved drawing, sign up for an art class. If you were obsessed with horses, look for the people with ranches on your next vacation. Sang until your parents begged you to stop? Join a local band or choir.
7. Set goals
You can easily discover your passion by setting goals. All successful people who discovered their passions have a set of written goals. Studies show that people who write down their goals are ten times more likely to achieve them than people who don’t.
Writing down your goals enhances clarity. And this makes it easy for you to discover what you love. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen to get started. All the answers are within you.
8. Meditate
According to dissertation writing service, fear and doubt are the enemies of your pursuit of passion. When fear drives you, you’ll avoid taking risks as much as you can. You’ll also avoid vulnerability which is the key that connects you with other people. Fear takes over when you spend a lot of time focusing on what could happen instead of what’s happening right now. Meditating and practicing mindfulness regularly will help you with this.
9. Patience pays
Finding your passion means experimenting with lots of different ideas. And this can take time. You may have to try a lot of ideas before finding the one that connects with you. Most people fail to discover their passion because they give up when things get tough.
Accept that you’ll hit challenges along the way. Treat all challenges as learning experiences and move on. Most importantly, be kind to yourself. Don’t allow other people’s opinions and criticism to stand in your way. You don’t owe anyone an explanation but yourself.
10. Get out of your comfort zone
If you are having a hard time discovering your passion, it might be because you’ve gotten used to doing the same things over and over again. Being too comfortable affects your creativity negatively. If you want to discover your passion, you have to do things you’ve never done before.
Consider trying an extreme activity such as sky diving, wild swinging, car racing, or zip-lining.If you consider yourself an artist, try something less artistic like Guardian Speedy Crossword Puzzles.
Don’t put a lot of pressure on yourself when finding your passion. You need to see it as a fun and joyful adventure. When things get hard, don’t give up. Always know that you can start all over again. Once you discover your passion, you’ll be happy and fulfilled. And you’ll achieve all your goals.