Have you thought about buying a filter for your showerhead? If not, you probably should. Do you currently use a water filter to filter out contaminants in your drinking water? If you understand the importance of doing this, you likely won’t have a difficult time understanding how important it is to do the same for your shower water. In this article, we will be going over how to figure out whether or not you need a water filter on your showerhead and some of the top things that you should be looking for when buying one.
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1. Do You Have A Whole House Water Filtration System?
If not, you will likely need to get a filter for your shower water. Meaning, you could add a showerhead that has a filter in it for easy and quick installation. Adding a shower head filter can be a very easy and convenient way to ensure a lot of the contaminants and chemicals are being filtered out of the water. With a whole house filtration system already in place, the chances of you needing additional filters at the exit points aren’t high. Therefore, you don’t necessarily need to invest more money into your home to filter out your shower water. However, for those without whole-house systems in place, you should be investing in individual showerhead filters for each of your showers.
2. Have You Checked The Quality Of Your Water?
One of the best things you can do when you are looking to figure out whether or not you need a filter and to figure out what kind of filter you need is to conduct a water test. By conducting a water test on your shower’s water, you should be able to figure out what’s in your water and what you need to remove from it. This alone is one of the best ways to figure out whether or not you need to do something like install showerheads with filters on them for the cleanest water.
3. Do You Smell Chlorine?
One of the best ways to tell if you require installing a filter is by smelling the water coming out of your showerhead. If the water smells like chlorine, you will likely need to install one to get rid of it. Chlorine is found in a lot of shower water because chlorine is used to disinfect the water. Thus, you will generally be able to tell if you have high chlorine content when taking a shower by doling a smell test. You don’t want to constantly shower in chlorine because it can be an irritant to your skin. Likewise, it’s not a chemical you want to constantly breathe in during a shower.
Overall, there are a lot of things that you can ask to figure out whether or not you need to get individual showerhead filters. The truth is, everyone could use these filters. An extra filter isn’t going to hurt you and it is only going to end up helping. Unless you have a whole house filter, you would be making a wise investment by getting them for each of your showers.