Looking at the number of working time in Europe, they work for more hours than any other part of Europe. The globe is also changing its working span, and one can see the difference when comparing it to twenty years ago.
That aside, there are those countries that work for fewer hours per week and those that have extra hours included in the weekly plan. Either way, some southern European countries consider family time more valuable, and any working office puts that into practice.
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Is there a Working Timetable Depending on the Sector?
There is a big difference in the workers’ working schedule in the private and public sectors in Europe. Although their working days are from Monday to Saturday, the workers are expected to work for nine hours with a lunch break of two hours in the private sector. This is less time as compared to the working hours in bigger cities.
They have long hours’ lunch break as time is used for business lunches and having meals with potential clients who are willing to work together. In public sectors, the working time range from 8 am and closes immediately after the lunch break at 2 pm. For the night shift, they have to work for eight hours per day.
What is the Working Time in Europe?
Newsfeeds have it that European nations work long hours and short periods and those that work for a shorter time but long periods. Countries like Greece, Italy, and Spain are large and densely populated. Thus, the workers there need to put more effort into their working routine to cater to economic growth and the countries’ establishment.
Italy working time is favorable as compared to other parts of Europe. As one of the southern European countries, they have a great work balance as they consider family time the core value. That means for any Italian worker, the minimum working hours in any job per week are forty, and the extra hours should not exceed forty-eight. It is common to work for longer hours in Italy than what the contract states.
In Spain, the working time tends to be longer with extra hours and lunch and evening break inclusive. The standard working hours in Spain per week is forty with twelve hours’ rest time in a day. Spain’s law also ensures that the workers do not work overtime of eighty hours in a single year unless the working contract states otherwise.
Greece working time is typically eight hours per day, which is an average of forty-two hours per week. Unlike any other European country, Greece focuses more on working. The number of new companies is also helping to reduce the working time of their workers. Greece is one of the countries that focusses more on work-life than family. An individual works for an average of 2110 hours a single year. A clear indication that the personal life of Greece people is affected.
In summary, the globe is evolving significantly, and thus a lot of people tend to focus on their working life than personal life. Southern Europe is not left behind in this perception, making it a vast growing part of Europe.