Cool sculpting helps to remove extra fat cells under the skin without any medical treatments, such as surgeries or medications. According to many studies, cool sculpting is an effective method to reduce fat in different parts of the body. As a noninvasive procedure, it has more benefits than traditional methods to remove fat from the body.
How does it work?
Cool sculpting uses a method called “CRYOLIPOLYSIS”. This method uses a unique new technique in which a roll of fat is placed in two panels, which then cools the body fat to a freezing temperature.
It takes one hour’s time to treat a target body part but if you want Cryolipolysis in more than one part of the body, you will require more treatments which will take more time according to the fat and the size of the body part, as larger body parts need more time and large fat build ups also take more treatments.
The frozen and dead cells are exerted through the liver out of the body within several weeks of treatment. The full results are revealed within 3 months of the treatment.
According to a research conducted in 2009, it was discovered that cryolipolysis is actually very effective as it reduces treated fat layer as much as 25 percent. It provides long lasting results that are effective even 6 months after the treatment.
Which body parts can be treated by cool sculpting?
Many people use cool sculpting in different parts of the body such as;
- Belly
- Sides
- Thighs
- Lower Back
Cool sculpting is sometimes used to reduce excess fat build up under the chin or in the neck. This procedure also effects the appearance of cellulites on arms, buttocks and legs.
Benefits of cool sculpting:
Cool sculpting is an FDA approved, safe and effective way to destroy the hard fat cells in the body that are not responding to your hard diets and exercises. Though it might be time consuming, yet it has many benefits that make it very favorable among a lot of people.
Some of the benefits of cool sculpting are;
- Clinically proven fat lose:
Cool sculpting provides long lasting fat removal by non-invasive and non-surgical methods. This is why it is recommended by a lot of physicians.
- Zero downtime and fast recovery:
Unlike other medical treatments to reduce body fat, the cool sculpting method doesn’t require you to rest for days to get on your feet again. It is like going to a doctor for this treatment and be active in no time. This is another reason why cool sculpting is preferred by many people because it doesn’t take a lot of days to recover from the treatment.
- Easy painless procedure:
Other fat reducing treatments, such as surgery, are pain inflicting methods. These methods require the use of anesthesia or other drugs to numb the muscles and the pain in them in order to be proceeded.
Cool sculpting is a painless method which provides effective results.
- Quick noticeable results:
If you prefer doing extensive workout to reduce body fat, but still are not able to get desired results in the targeted area even after doing hard work out for many months, you should consider cool sculpting.
Unlike hard trainings, it provides quick results and work on your targeted area very well. You won’t have to tire your whole body just to get rid of fat in one specific area. It gives you your desired results in 8 to 12 weeks.
- Treats multiple areas:
Cool sculpting can be used in a lot of areas in the body. It does take some time to target more than one areas to get effective results but still it provides you with pain free fat reduction.
Coolsculpting at home:
DIY cool sculpting is becoming popular as a fat lose trend. Compared to other fat reduction methods, cool sculpting has received a lot of attention as it is able to “spot burn” body fat from different places on the body.
Many people wonder if it is possible to use cool sculpting as an effective method at home, but this method has proved to be effective. There is also legitimate proof of the beneficial results of cyolipolysis at home.
Cool sculpting at home is about reducing fat cells and to remove them from the body, in a targeted area. In order to perform this fat reduction method, you will need a best coolsculpting machine for home use. A coolsculpting home machine eliminates heat from fat tissues and freeze burn them off your body.
Coolsculpting at home is basically a procedure of using coolsculpting at home machine by yourself.
Having the ability to “Spot reducing fat” is the most common main goal of body builders and fitness lovers. Many people who are not very health conscious or consistent to daily work out also think about reducing fat from certain parts of their bodies that don’t feel very good.
But cool sculpting is not for everyone. One thing that people need to understand is that it is not a solution for obesity. Cool sculpting or CRYOLIPOLYSIS is appropriate for removing small amount of build-up fats in the body that is resistant to other weight loss treatments.
The best option before performing a cool sculpting treatment at home is to consult your doctor or a specialist so that you don’t accidently get negative results.
Why should you do cool sculpting at home?
Though there are many professional cool sculpting businesses out there that claim to provide best results in no time, but why should you pay the expensive fees that they charge when you can perform likewise results just at home?
Now according to many people who have personal experience, cool sculpting at home is a very secure and highly effective way to get rid of unwanted body fat by yourself. But before you try to perform this [procedure, you must have a proper knowledge of the procedure and must know every step so that you don’t do anything harmful to your body. Again, take a professional’s advice. Read the manual and instructions that come with a coolsculpting home machine so that it will be easy to use. And then if you perform this treatment correctly, this will provide excellent results in spot reducing body fat and to get you your dream body.