Clinical reasoning cycle is the process by which nurses collect information, cues and analyse patients conditions to come to a conclusion to understand patients problems. Clinical reasoning cycle has eight phases but one can move back and forth in the phases to come to a proper result of the patient’s analysis.
Table of Contents
Importance of Clinical reasoning
The importance of the clinical reasoning cycle can be understood by learning about these eight phases. Eight phases of Clinical reasoning cycle are: Consideration of facts from the patient or situation, Collection of information, Processing gathered information, Identifying the problem, Establishing goals, Taking action, Evaluation and Reflection.
It starts with understanding the patient’s facts i.e the history of patients and the current situation. This is done by collecting information, based on the history and current situation the problems are identified and a goal is established which is the outcome or the desired result and based on the desired goal the action plan is made. After making the action plan a final evaluation plan is made and analysis is done to reflect what went right and what went wrong. The importance of the Clinical reasoning cycle is that it’s a detailed action plan to reach desired goals in the medical field. It works the same as Gibbs model of reflection which focuses on the importance of experience to avoid future mistakes.
Brief Introduction to Elton Mayo’s theory & Woolworth SWOT Analysis
Elton Mayo’s theory which focuses on treating employees with empathy for better results as compared to giving them financial benefits can also be related to the clinical reasoning cycle. Both the theories are focused on bringing a better output and both do not involve the use of financial perks to attain desired results.
There are multiple theories as per the profession demands to increase productivity levels of employees.All these theories have one thing in common i.e focus on the process and a detailed analysis from starting to the end. Let’s compare this to SWOT analysis done by big supermarkets like Woolworth. Woolworth SWOT analysis is an old school method of pointing out the actual problem in the system. However SWOT analysis works pretty well in the retail segment as it gives a clear picture of strength, weakness opportunities and threats.The strength for Woolworths is the wide range of products that it offers, for all ranges across all categories. Weakness was found to be the confusion that
was created due to the extremely high range and category of products, Woolworths was not able to position itself for a particular segment.
Opportunities for them was the sheer experience as market leaders and their ability to capitalise the same. Threats were very less counting on growing competition and increasing their focus on health products as society is getting health conscious. Whether it be Clinical reasoning cycle or Elton Mayo’s theory or SWOT analysis they all focus on increasing productivity and finding out the pain area. All of them focus on the power of what you experience each day and what can be learnt from each situation so that mistakes are not repeated under the same circumstances.
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