Harmony Vallejo is an experienced businesswoman who credits a large portion of the success of her company, a Pleasanton, California-area marketing agency called Universal Events Inc., to an employee recognition and incentive program she dreamed up some time ago.
“One day I just realized the simplest way to ensure the top efforts of my team was to give them something to strive for, as well as something to look forward to,” Vallejo explains. “And ever since that realization, I’ve compiled a list of my team members who distinguished themselves during the year, and taken them on an annual recreational retreat in an exotic location to reward their performance.”
This year’s destination, much to the delight of those being recognized, was Hawaii. “I could barely restrain myself from spoiling the surprise before making the official announcement,” she admits. “I was beaming for about two weeks before. When I finally told everybody where we were going, the looks on their faces were priceless.”
Vallejo is at the forefront of a new movement of entrepreneurs and business proprietors putting faith in the powers of employee recognition and incentivization programs to boost productivity and output. The theory goes something like this: By acknowledging exceptional effort and providing meaningful rewards, such as a tropical Hawaiian getaway, businesses can motivate their workforces, causing them to redouble their efforts to meet or exceed company goals.
What those might be, of course, depends on the company in question and the nature of its business. A real estate company might recognize agents who meet a specific dollar threshold, or a furniture store might reward salespeople who move the most units. It totally depends on what works well for each individual company. Indeed, one of the great strengths of adopting such a program is that it is highly customizable.
As stated earlier, Universal Events Inc. is a marketing agency—but not just any ordinary marketing agency. The vast majority of its clients are nonprofit organizations and ethical businesses. “Our niche is pretty special. We deal with a lot of charities and humanitarian organizations—entities who don’t want to spend any time on marketing or branding themselves because they think it takes away from their larger missions of easing suffering and making the world a better place. That makes excellent performance on our part all the more important,” says Vallejo. “We need to do well for these organizations so that the public is made aware of all the good they’re doing, and so that people continue to make donations to make all that good work possible.”
But has it worked? Has the incentive program made a significant impact on Universal Events Inc.’s overall culture?
“Since I put the program in place, our numbers have jumped through the roof, and my team has never been happier or more motivated,” Harmony Vallejo replies. “We’re more cohesive as a unit now. We’re more focused. Spirits are up across the board.”
By means of evidence, the veteran entrepreneur and CEO produces a video compilation of highlights from the company’s 2024 prize for overachievers—what she has dubbed the ‘Champions Club Retreat.’
See highlights from Universal Events Inc.’s Champions Club Retreat 2024:
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_XtowFD2lQ&t=9s
It features scenes of snorkeling expeditions, visits to local ranches, ATV escapades, live displays and performances of Hawaiian cultural practices, playful swimming at the resort pool, as well as some extravagant dining and shopping adventures. But, above all else, it shows a slew of contented employees celebrating in tandem with their employer.
And what is the destination for 2025’s ‘Champions Club Retreat’?
“I have some ideas, but nothing concrete yet,” Vallejo answers. “Hawaii was a ton of fun. Maybe we’ll go back there. Or maybe I’ll find somewhere even better. I have a few months before I make that particular decision.”
In the meantime, her staff bustles around the agency, busily answering phones, typing on computers, and creating informational materials for Universal Events Inc.’s roster of socially responsible and community-minded client organizations. There is a palpable buzz of activity and enthusiasm in the air. If Harmony Vallejo’s goal was to encourage increased productivity and output, it seems she has succeeded.