“How much is my personal injury case worth?” According to NPS Law (personal injury lawyers serving Central New York State), this question is arguably one of the most common questions with their personal injury clients. Depending on its severity, a personal injury case can involve multiple injuries that may be costly and take years to heal. There are many other negative emotional implications following injuries from an accident or someone else’s negligence, and it’s only natural for victims to want to know the financial value of their personal injury case.
You are absolutely entitled to have an honest opinion on what your personal injury attorney thinks your case is worth. A reputable personal injury attorney should have no problems providing a well-written evaluation detailing information about relevant legal issues such as liability and claimable damages. They will then provide a probability assessment based on the range estimates about what you should expect. All the assessed information will be used to negotiate a reasonable claim value to seal the matter – or continue with the claim. However, you should note that estimates are approximations. While they may provide a rough idea of what to expect during a settlement, it can be extremely hard to determine a trial outcome – if your case will proceed to trial.
Personal injury lawyers and law firms approach personal injury cases differently. This means it’s crucial to know how to identify the one you’re confident enough of their ability to fight aggressively for what you deserve from your case. Other than asking your potential personal injury lawyer how much your case is worth, this article will discuss 4 more pertinent questions you should consider asking during your initial consultation. A good lawyer by your side will positively impact the outcome of your case.
Have you Handled Cases Similar to Mine Before?
When hiring any lawyer, specific experience and expertise mean a lot and may be the key determinant for a successful case. Personal injury law comprises a wide field, and it’s vital to know if your potential lawyer has substantial experience with your type of personal injury case. For instance, choosing a personal injury lawyer who practices premises liability would be a bad idea if a defective product has injured you. In this case, it would be best to have an experienced product liability lawyer with a history of winning such cases instead.
Have you Dealt with Similar Cases at Trial?
Personal injury lawyers are naturally skilled at negotiating, and thus many personal injury cases are often settled out of court. However, your case may need to be settled through a court hearing, depending on the circumstances involved. If that is the case, you want your lawyer to have the requisite skills and aggressiveness to pursue a case in court. Ask them how many times they’ve gone to trial for similar cases to yours and their success rate.
Who’ll be in Charge of my Case?
Some legal firms delegate some of their cases to be managed by paralegals or other junior legal staff. The lawyer you thought you hired may not be in charge of your case. However, a strong and supportive legal staff is vital for any law firm as they’ll help with various issues with your case. It would be best if you asked your potential attorney what role they’ll play in your case and how they’ll oversee and manage it each step of the way.
How Long Will It Take to Settle My Case?
Personal injury cases are different, and many factors (such as how long it will take one to recover from their injuries) can influence the amount of time it will take to conclude. Other case types – especially those involving complex issues like medical malpractice – may take longer than others. However, an experienced lawyer with a good grasp of the legal system and your type of case can give you a rough estimate of the time frame. This will also give you an idea as to their overall experience based on the legal specifics they tell you.
Whatever personal injury case you’re involved in, you want the best outcome at the end of it all. If you sustained injuries from an accident, you might have incurred costly medical expenses, lost valuable productive time/wages from your job, and at the same time, have to deal with shrewd insurance companies. A combination of all these makes it a particularly harrowing experience. However, the good news is that working with a qualified and experienced personal injury attorney can ensure all the legal aspects of the case are dealt with while you rest and get back to your life. Hopefully, the above-highlighted questions will guide you in choosing the most fitting personal injury attorney for your case.