The duty of the Indian armed force is to protect the country from any external threats and preserve peace and security in the country. To date, this is the most dangerous and challenging job. The Indian armed forces have to go through vigorous training and heavy training. These people risk their precious lives for the sake of the country and its citizens. If we are relaxing and sitting safely at our places. It is because of our dedicated military forces who are sacrificing their sleep. This statement holds the utmost truth/. Staying in camps,climbing the mountains and staying away from home is not an easy task. Serving in the military can be rewarding and dangerous at the same time. Indian army is not just soldiers at the battlegrounds, but it is the way of life that demands self-discipline and sacrifice.
Working for the country requires protection to shield yourself from the threatening situations that could arrive without any warning. The military troops have no other option but to face a threat. To safeguard themselves from this situation, they need military body armor. Body armor is the most essential safety equipment that will save make lives in the impending danger. These are designed in a way to defeat the threat of the handgun and other obstacles that may arise. While choosing the body armor, what is important is that where it will be worn. Different body armors are used for various purposes and vary according to the materials. It is necessary to know the condition you will be placed in to ensure adequate protection and security.
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Which material serves the best
Materials must be lightweight and less bulky so that the wearer’s mobility ad efficiency is not disturbed. With the advancement in technology, the aim is to continuously develop lightweight body armors. A high level of performance can be achieved with lightweight body armors. Modern body armors can be classified into two categories, i.e. hard body armor and soft body armour. Hardbody armor is made up of ceramic and metal plates, whereas soft body armor consists of layers of fabrics. A combination of soft and hard body armour is suitable for the battlefield to provide ballistic protection. Not only this, the material should be solid and durable so that it can withstand adverse weather conditions. These armors will not et the bullet enter the human body and save many generations. Efforts to design more effective body armors are going on.
Maintenance of body armors
Nothing can work well and show its total productivity until it is adequately maintained .all body armors eventually break down at the end, but the speed t which it does will depend on how it is stored and kept. Keep in mind a few tips to ensure better performance:
Regular inspection: Always check the cuts, stitches and cracks in the armor palates. This should not be neglected so that the plate can be replaced when needed.
Cleaning: The plates should be washed to ensure that the panels aren’t stuck with dirt and dust.
Proper storage: It is vital to store the armors in a flat position at room temperature.