The use of technology in the classroom setting is nothing new. When we think of technology in this environment, the top-of-mind items are often computers and learning software, but the tech being used to advance and update education in today’s classroom embodies so much more.
Technology has become a staple in classrooms. Teachers and students alike are using technology to enhance the learning experience and work smarter. The growth of tech in the classroom has created an entire niche industry—EdTech.
In 2020 the use of technology in learning became a necessity as the COVID-19 pandemic changed the landscape of learning. Schools across the globe were suddenly shuttered, and virtual learning was the option available to create a continuum of learning in a space where face-to-face gatherings were no longer viable. Hybrid and remote learning practices ruled the day and EdTech was implemented or enhanced to facilitate learning experiences for every grade level, extending into higher education.
“Quality EdTech integrates with an educator’s lesson plans to optimize educational encounters,” says EdTech expert, Judah Karkowsky. “The broad scope of technology available can be daunting, but specialists in EdTech can implement the best solutions to address unique classroom needs without creating distractions.”
The power of EdTech to seamlessly connect teachers and students and facilitate positive learning experiences has forever changed the landscape of the modern-day classroom.
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The Importance of the EdTech Industry
Technology used to access and promote education is considered education technology, or EdTech. The label applies to many types of technology and refers specifically to their intended use. They can be software, hardware, and the many other related items students and teachers use in learning. Education technology can improve engagement, collaboration, and attendance. It can facilitate new ways of learning, and it is designed specifically to support learning, both in the classroom and in a remote setting.
As an industry, EdTech continues to grow exponentially with an anticipated annual growth rate of 20% into 2028. As augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies continue to improve, their integration into educational products will continue to grow. Gamification has become prevalent in K-12 learning as are project-based learning approaches. Both learning styles are enhanced by evolving technologies within the education space.
The access to technology and high-speed internet is a proven determiner of student success in today’s learning environment. Further, EdTech provide teachers and instructors with the tools to effectively teach and engage students in a remote structure while creating an inclusive virtual classroom experience.
The Benefits of Education Technology
- The manner and methods in which EdTech benefits both students and teachers is extensive and may include the following:
- Education technology contributes to a well-organized instructor. With electronic filing systems and cloud-based drives, teachers can sort and save their slide decks, presentations, videos and worksheets online and share these valuable resources and information with specific students or their caregivers. With digital storage, files can be duplicated, moved, sorted, and stored as suits the instructor, contributing to cleaner, easily accessible resource storage.
- The classroom, pre-tech, was full of filing cabinets and other receptacles to store projects, learning tools, and worksheets. Now, often with the click of a button, teachers can access and share these same resources. Within a single day, a teacher may need to access information for various classes, subjects, or cohorts. Digital filing allows for an organized approach with easy duplication without the worry that one classroom’s work will be mixed with another’s.
- EdTech connects the hybrid classroom and allows for continuity and inclusion. Remote learning is an obvious place where educational technology is of benefit. When students can attend virtually, participating in lectures and watching instruction via video or audio presentation, engagement increases. Remote learning students who have access to video calls with instructors and fellow students bring education to a larger group.
- Software created in the EdTech industry can create a more effective school day for students. Remote learning has an element of flexibility about it for the student. Often, live lecture broadcasts and chat options are combined with pre-recorded learning which ultimately provides schedule flexibility and easier access for students to work on and submit assignments. The self-paced nature of some work, or ability to revisit a lecture repeatedly, creates a tailored experience for different types of learners.
Integrating EdTech into the Classroom
There are any number of examples of EdTech tools designed specifically for students or teachers. The use of technology as a whole to support learning includes a wide spectrum of resources which were designed especially to enhance and improve education. There are some forms of technology that were not originally designed for educators but which have been adopted into the education space to create the best possible learning environment. The Microsoft Teams platform was initially designed to support professionals, specifically corporate teams in the workplace. Some education organizations choose Teams as their go-to for communication and organizations.
Similarly, video conferencing and meeting apps designed for use in virtual office settings have been adapted for use in the classroom. From research platforms to presentation software and design apps, much of the technology used in education was previously used in other spaces, and the companies or designers responsible have created customized versions for the classroom. In many cases, other companies entirely are responsible for adapting technology and creating a specialized version for teachers to implement.
The nature of Education technology is to enhance learning for educators and students. Whether they gather in-person, meet in a hybrid setting, or participate remotely, the technology which facilitates these meetings runs the gamut from simple apps to larger, intricate software programs. For today’s learners of every age, the continued improvement of educational technology is opening doors and changing the accessibility of knowledge and instruction.