There are several risks involved in workplaces. This is especially true if you’re working with hazardous equipment. It’s the responsibility of both the employer and the employee to ensure that the workplace is safe. It must be ensured so that accidents can be avoided or minimized. But in case an accident happens, the company should have procedures in place to deal with any catastrophic situation that might occur.
It’s crucial to know the basic yet important steps you can do to make sure that workplace accidents like slipt trip injuries don’t happen. Putting preventive measures into practice may help you and your employees avoid costly incidents or accidents.
Some of these steps are below.
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Keep Your Workplace Clean
Cleanliness may reduce the chances of accidents and injuries? After all, an unclean place can lead to accidents because debris, misplaced tools, and other clutter can make it challenging to maneuver around. In such an environment, employees can step on sharp objects or slip on spilled oil, which can injure them.
Have Control Measures In Place
If you know the risks that your employees face, it’s recommended to have control measures in place to help reduce those risks. For instance, if you’ve got a worker stationed on a computer and is at risk of carpal tunnel syndrome, you can mitigate this by offering a wrist brace. You can also prevent it by letting your employee have regular short breaks.
Train Your Employees
Training employees is the most effective way to prevent accidents at the workplace, especially when they are dealing with new and unfamiliar machines and equipment. Untrained employees pose not only a danger to themselves but also to other workers.
Prevent workplace accidents by adequately educating your new employees and offer refreshment courses to the existing employees. It doesn’t matter how much experience they already have; they need to be retrained for the sake of safety. Even if the training might cost your company in terms of resources and time, it’ll protect your workers from possible injuries and your company from potential lawsuits.
Inspect Your Equipment Regularly
It would help to perform a regular check on your tools, equipment, and machinery. Ensure everything is functioning properly. And if they break down, consider repairing or replacing them immediately. Failing to inspect your workplace’s equipment might cause injuries to your employees or your company in terms of legal fees.
Supervise Your Employees
Supervision of employees is critical in any business organization. It ensures that employees understand and follow the laid down rules and procedures. And when they aren’t sure of what to do, they can always ask the supervisor. Without a supervisor around, a worker who doubts what to do may injure himself or cause damage.
Offer Support To Your Employees
In most cases, workplace accidents and injuries are caused by a poor working environment or faulty equipment. However, sometimes the employees’ mental and physical well-being may factor in.
For instance, when employees are stressed, their minds become impaired. Because of that, they may become incapable of concentrating on their assigned tasks. This could result in a serious accident if they are forced to continue working. To prevent this kind of accident, ensure you support your employees both mentally and physically.
Don’t Take Shortcuts
Sometimes, shortcuts can make work faster, especially when your workers are running out of time. However, they can sometimes be dangerous and result in an accident. After all, the chances of an accident from happening may go up if your employees skip some steps when performing a certain task.
So, when it comes to safety, don’t allow your workers always to use shortcuts. Advise them to follow the right safety procedures, guidelines, and instructions to do the job correctly to avoid accidents. If they can’t complete a specific task before the stipulated time ends, allow them to take a break and finish the job at a later time.
Consider Conducting Emergency Drills
Emergency drills are a vital tool in workplaces since they help employees understand how to handle emergencies. For instance, in case of a fire outbreak, employees should already know how to move in an orderly manner through the fire exits to the fire assembly points without injuring themselves. Arrange for such drills and ensure all your employees participate.
Workplace accidents can happen at any time. While sometimes these accidents might not be avoidable, you can take a few steps to protect your workers, yourself, and the business. Ensure you put safety measures as a priority of your organization so that everyone remains safe.