There are days or particular hours of the day when you find your employees lurking around or not being productive. As an employer, such activities irk you and make you worry about achieving your company’s goal. It’s time you consider the hybrid workplace model for your company.
A hybrid workplace model allows your employees to navigate working from the office or working remotely. You can formulate your hybrid workplace model depending on your company’s needs such as allowing your employees to work when they’re productive. With such a model, the worker’s needs are prioritized and met, which can be a motivating factor.
However, before you transition into a hybrid workplace model, here are a few things you need to do:
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1. Invest In The Right Technology
A hybrid workplace model requires you to have the right technology to allow communication with your remote workers. The right communication technology will allow you to have business meetings, presentations, and seminars remotely.
Acquire technology that allows you to monitor your employees as they work remotely. This provides accountability and productivity for each of the workers. However, don’t choose technology that’ll invade their personal space. The hybrid workplace model aims at ensuring your employees work in a comfortable environment.
Working remotely means using the internet in performing many company transactions. And according to IT services Colorado, this may make your company susceptible to data theft and compromise your company’s confidential documents. Get technology that provides cyber security for your business. Hire a company that offers IT services to cater to all these technology needs. Instead of choosing different companies offering different IT services, select one that provides all under one roof.
2. Conduct An Employee Survey
Have a general worker survey that’ll shed light on the needs of your employees, how they view a perfect working place, and things that motivate them to be productive. With such information, you’re able to formulate a plan for your hybrid workplace model, working towards meeting their needs.
Besides a general survey that’ll enlighten you on the personal preferences of your employees, conduct a hybrid workplace model-based survey. This second survey will focus on the model. Inquire about your worker’s opinion on the model, their preferred work arrangements, and challenges they think they might face as they use the model. With this, you’re able to better your hybrid workplace model and make it work for you and your employees.
Performing the surveys will also help the workers feel included in vital decision-making, and it’ll be more democratic.
3. Set New Work Policies
The new work policies aren’t meant to replace the existing ones; they’re intended to supplement them, especially with a new work model. It doesn’t mean that since employees will be working remotely, they can work for only three hours a day. Regulate policies to counter such possible problems.
4. Set Performance Standards
Have a sit down with your managers and come up with standards in which you’ll measure the performance of the new hybrid workplace model. By setting such, you’ll remain on track with your company’s goals and visions. This will help you make major company decisions in the future and tell you when there’s a need for change to get back on track.
5. Formulate Work Schedules
Creating a work schedule is essential in implementing a hybrid workplace model. With some employees working from home and others in the office, a schedule must be created. Have your company managers help you out with this task. You need to figure out the departments that can work remotely and those that can’t.
Develop schedules for when specific departments are to work in the office physically and who’ll work remotely. Let the arrangements keep altering such that everyone gets a chance of working both in the office and remotely. Ensure that there’s also a balance; don’t have only leaders coming into the office as the others work remotely. It sets a bad image and may make your employers feel undervalued. Let everyone know they’re important to the company.
6. Train Employees On The New Technology
Transitioning to a hybrid workplace model might be challenging to some employees, especially in using technology. Have the company that you hired for IT services conduct training for all the members of your company. Knowledge of the technology will allow the employees to work seamlessly without any struggles as they deliver on their part.
A hybrid workplace model prioritizes the well-being of your employees by providing them with a work-life balance, flexibility, and stress relief, given that they’re working in comfortable environments. Remember to increase engagements with your employees to retain your company’s culture, which is an essential pillar in a company.