While even minor car crash injuries are bad, there are some that significantly change the way you live your life both physically and emotionally.
In 2019, there were 38,800 car crashes that resulted in death and 4.4 million that resulted in serious injury according to the national safety council.
– Passenger vehicle occupant fatalities (630 fewer fatalities, 2.8% decrease)
– Pedestrian accidents and fatalities (169 fewer fatalities, 2.7% decrease)
– Pedalcyclist fatalities (25 fewer fatalities, 2.9% decrease)
– Alcohol-impaired driving fatalities (568 fewer fatalities, 5.3% decrease)
These injuries lead to exorbitant medical costs as well as severe mental and emotional trauma. We’ve compiled a list of the top 5 worst car crash injuries to explain just how severe they are.
Continue reading to find out more about these injuries and what to do if you are a victim of a car crash.
Table of Contents
1. Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injuries are some of the worst injuries from a car crash you can suffer from. This is because they almost always result in some permanent impairment.
A traumatic brain injury is damage to the brain resulting from trauma to the head. This includes a violent blow or collision with another object or surface.
Symptoms may develop immediately or they may be delayed. These symptoms might include confusion, blurred/loss of vision, and/or problems with concentration.
In many cases, these injuries result in permanent disabilities such as loss of vision, speech, and memory.
Injuries resulting from car accidents were the leading cause of traumatic brain injuries among 15-34 year-olds in 2014 according to the CDC.
2. Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal cord injury is one of the worst car crash injuries one can experience. Unlike minor car crash injuries, a spinal cord injury can result in partial or complete paralysis.
Spinal cord injury occurs when something impairs the spinal cord such as a bone fragment or tear in the spinal cord itself. This damages the signaling pathway between the brain and the rest of the body.
These injuries range in severity. In the best-case scenario, the injury is temporary and can be corrected through medical treatments such as physical therapy. More severe cases leave victims partially or completely paralyzed.
The worst cases involve cervical fractures where the victim has to be permanently placed on a ventilator in order to breathe.
3. Internal Injuries
Internal injuries are often life-threatening and may be less obvious initially compared to other types of surface injuries. Whether the injury is internal bleeding or related to organ damage, immediate medical treatment is often needed.
Internal Bleeding
Internal bleeding occurs after damage to an artery or vein occurs. The skin does not have to be broken for this to occur.
For example, if you were to hit your head against the dash in a car accident, the force of the trauma could result in a brain bleed.
In most cases, those with internal bleeding experience symptoms such as a weak pulse or become pale in color. Some also experience bleeding from their ears, mouth, nose, or other body openings.
Surgery is a common step in most cases of car crash internal injuries. In these procedures, the surgeon will attempt to repair the artery or vein. However, this can be difficult to stop before it becomes life-threatening.
Internal Organ Damage
Just like we mentioned above with the brain, the force of a car accident can cause an abrupt shift in your organs causing damage. In most cases, this occurs when they collide with a fractured rib. Rib fractures are common injuries in a car crash.
Symptoms of car crash internal injuries to organs are similar to those experienced with internal bleeding. This is because organ damage is typically accompanied by internal bleeding.
In addition to those symptoms, a victim might experience pain or rigidness in their abdomen as well as cold sweats from shock.
4. Other Neck and Back Injuries
We’ve discussed spinal cord injuries but a back or neck injury after a car crash is impactful as well. These types of injuries include sprains and herniated disks which are among the most common injuries in a car crash.
Whiplash, for example, is the most common injury. This occurs when the victim’s head is forced backward then forward involuntarily and rapidly.
Injuries from whiplash or herniated disks may require physical therapy, a brace, or surgery depending on the severity of the injury.
5. Facial Injuries
Though facial injuries are not always life-threatening, they can lead to depression and other emotional trauma. This is especially true if the injury results in a permanent change to your face, such as with scars or burns.
Facial injuries can result from a number of occurrences during a car crash. This includes collision with an airbag, the dashboard, or even the windshield if you aren’t wearing a seatbelt.
Facial injuries are difficult to correct and involve multiple procedures and skin grafts. This involves allowing any broken bones to heal as well as repairing any lacerations.
Even if you are able to work with a skilled surgeon who is able to repair the bones and tissue, the likelihood that you will appear as you did prior to the procedure is low. Many people suffer from emotional trauma as a result of a new appearance.
The Worst Car Crash Injuries: Seeking Legal Action
As we’ve discussed, these are the worst car crash injuries one can experience. Even if they are not life-threatening or permanent, the medical bills are cumbersome. Not to mention the mental and emotional trauma is often significant.
This is why many suffering from the worst car crash injuries tend to seek out a car accident lawyer. They will help you obtain the compensation you need to address both the physical and mental trauma experienced from the accident.
Be Prepared
As you can see, all car crash injuries were not created equal. Minor car crash injuries will have a negative impact on your life for a short time, but others will permanently impact the way you live your life.
Be prepared in the event you’re faced with any of the worst car crash injuries. Know what to look out for and how to obtain legal help.
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