The cosmetics industry has grown rapidly over the last few years, and it seems it will only continue to grow, especially with the likes of the Kardashians in the spotlight. The industry is currently worth billions, and it’s a good place to have a business right now! But it doesn’t come without its challenges. Not just the pandemic, but with the growth of the industry as well as how quickly consumer behaviour changes, your business needs solid marketing foundations, that can easily be adapted to the market. In this post, we have listed 5 top aesthetics marketing strategies to level up your beauty business!
Table of Contents
#1 Create PR Opportunities
Get creative with your team and create some PR friendly stories. If your story is interesting, you have a higher chance of multiple news agencies picking these up, both locally and nationally to share your story. It is in their interest as much as yours – they want to be the ones to share a good story! Create a page on your website to track all business updates like this too. A press page or category will also help build trust and credibility amongst your audience. It’s all about ‘social proof’ now. Show people who you are and what you are all about, and importantly, why they should pick YOU. Include interviews, articles, reviews, awards and create newsworthy stories yourself!
#2 Create an online community
Whether your business is online or brick and mortar, an online community is really key to use your voice, build trust and brand awareness. Create a space on social media where you can connect more closely with your audience and share value. This could be tips, advice, deals and just general things that they would be interested in. Also encourage people to share their problems (great for your market research!), reviews and testimonials. Not only can this grow your following and therefore revenue, but it also humanises your brand and puts you at the forefront. Everything is online, it is the place to be!
#3 Content marketing
If you are not already leveraging this strategy, make it the first thing you do after reading this! Content is so powerful and can reach your current and new customers. It targets people on different parts of their user journey, providing value to draw them to you over your competitors. If you are constantly sharing tips and advice that genuinely helps them, you will attract them to your brand, build trust and loyalty. These can be in the form of tutorials, videos, blogs, news articles, infographics and much more. They can all be repurposed and distributed across different social media channels!
#4 Microinfluencers
Micro influencers are the new rage. These are people who have a smaller following on social media, but use it to help and influence their well engaged audience. It can be argued that people are wanting more ‘realness’ when it comes to advertising, something more realistic and closer to their own struggles. This is good – because the micro influencers that are promoting your product are more likely going resonate with your audience and help drive sales. Of course, you need to find the RIGHT person though, someone relevant with an audience that would be interested in your product.
#5 SEO
SEO is often overlooked or forgotten about, because it is a long term strategy. You often won’t see the fruit to your labour straight away, but it is definitely worth investing in! You know those sites that dominate the search results? Well, that could be you, if you invest the time and energy is growing your brand organically! While your content strategy will fit under this bracket, there are so many other factors you should consider when it comes to SEO. Your audience will inevitably be searching things on Google, so you want to make sure that traffic comes to you, and not your competitors!