A common question always arises in our minds “Which Gladiator device can relieve our pain and maintain a healthy lifestyle?” And the answer is – Far Infrared Therapy!
Far-Infrared (FIR) radiations are energetic waves that penetrate the skin and elevate the body temperature, while positively impacting various body functions and systems. The use of Far Infrared technology has been associated with numerous health benefits, improving the quality of life overall. Healthy Line offers a range of Far Infrared and PEMF devices that you can use in the comfort of your own home, including ones that can target the red light therapy lymphatic system after getting proper training from a professional.
Here are 5 amazing health benefits of far infrared therapy to promote proper health of your body and mind.
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1. Stimulate Cardiovascular system
One of the crucial health benefits of far infrared therapy is the improvement of cardiovascular health. Far infrared light helps in the production of a vital signaling molecule, nitric oxide. This molecule prevents blood clotting in the vessels and helps to relax the arteries, improving the overall health of blood vessels. Nitric oxide improves blood circulation and provides nutrients and oxygen to injured tissues of the heart.
Research showed that infrared therapy can strengthen the heart functioning by causing a decrease in diastolic blood pressure and elevating the heart rate and cardiac output. As result, improves the proper cardiac function and clinical symptoms in those with CHF (congestive heart failure) which results in the improved vascular endothelial function.
2. Detoxification of waste
Far infrared heat therapy helps to eliminate toxins from the body or store them in adipose tissues to dilute their toxic affect. These toxins can be chemicals, excess sodium, uric acid, fats, toxins from the blood such as heavy metals, and cancer-causing substances from food processing such as free fatty acid, and lactic acid. The excessive growth of these toxins can cause premature aging and serious chronic disorder.
Far infrared treatment can be applied through saunas in which the body’s temperature increases causing the detoxification of heavy metals at the cellular level. Additionally, various researches showed that sweating helps to eliminate toxins from the body, making FIR saunas a perfect choice.
3. Reduce Cancer risk
Far infrared therapy proves beneficial for cancer treatment. Hyperthermia – a far infrared thermal treatment, helps in the destruction of malignant cells. As a result, change in the body temperature, inhibits the proliferation of certain cancer cells and retard their growth.
Past studies showed that activation of nanoparticles, when exposed to far-infrared rays, proved highly toxic to surrounding cancer cells. Photoimmunotherapy is one such process that uses a photo absorber complex that binds to cancer cells.
4. Relief stress and pain
Far Infrared treatment is a safe therapy for pain and overcoming stress. It can penetrate deep inside the body through the skin, and to the muscles and improves circulation to the other parts of the body. It reduces nervous tension and diminishes auto-neuro muscles result helps the body to provide healing abilities.
Infrared pads are available on Healthy Line to overcome your joint or chronic back pain. These FIR devices help to release pain, protect from stress, relieve inflammation, and soothes tension in both mind and body
5. Boosting immune system
In this therapy, the heat from infrared rays increases your body temperature and boosts your immune system. By promoting increased production of leukocytes (white blood cells) by the bone marrow, it strengthens the Immune system and kills T-cells by the thymus. FIR treatment also provides the potential to the body to prevent flu and common cold from developing.
Research proved that our immune system has natural killer cells that are effective for immune defense. Hyperthermia releases some heat shock proteins which make cancer cells easily recognized by NK cells. These natural killer cells help in killing cancer cells and destroying virus-infected cells.
In this article, we have mentioned some benefits of far infrared therapy. By using this technology, you can reduce all your pain and problems and can enjoy a healthy lifestyle.