Aging is inevitable. Wrinkles are one of the signs that depict that age is no longer on your side. In our early years, we tend to look chic and fresh. As we get past the ages of 40, fine lines, wrinkles and other related signs start to become a permanent feature. No wonder many of us have got rapid anti agingproducts like lotions, moisturizers, wrinkle cream or serums in our skincare routine.
However, not all products advertised as serum will work, depending on the ingredients contained and composition. Long term use of some of these products can even exacerbate skin problems.
For safe and the best wrinkle serum, formulated with many natural ingredients, you can kindly read Potentlift reviews and then place an order!
In this post, we’ll consider four practical ways to prevent or reduce the appearance of wrinkles, irrespective of your age.
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Apply Sunscreen
Although the sun is very vital to human survival, however, the UV-A—one of the types of ultraviolet rays—damages collagen produced in the skin layer. We recommend to apply and reapply the sunscreen as necessary for as long as you will have to be in the sun.
Use Sunglasses
This is another form of protection against the ultraviolet rays. This time around, this protects the eyes from the sun rays that can cause different types of eye problems and crow’s feet—a wrinkle formed around the corners of the eyes.
We recommend you to use a sunglass with an SPF (Sun Protection Factor of 95—100%). You’d be safe this way from the damaging rays emitted by the sun.
Reduce Alcohol
Of course, reducing alcohol intake is a very “hard-to-break” habit, and you’d have to put in the work and practice. The salt and other elements contained in alcohol will dehydrate your body and skin. This leads to a condition known as skin dryness. If your skin is dry, then you’re technically speeding up your skin to wrinkles.
Therefore, you can reduce your daily intake to a reasonable amount. You can consider taking alcohol occasionally, not a daily ritual.
Do not Smoke
If you are smoking, you’d probably know you have to stop. The smoke of cigarette contains thousands of chemicals that contribute to accelerated wrinkle formation. For example, the nicotine present in the cigarette narrows the blood vessel carrying blood, oxygen and other essential nutrients to the outer layer of your skin.
We understand breaking the “smoking habit” can be a challenging quest. However, the result will worth every effort you put in.
The tips and suggestions noted above will prove helpful by incorporating them into your skin care routine and lifestyle. However, they are not as effective as instant facelift supplements that address already formed wrinkles on your face.
For example, rapid wrinkle serum is effective and works better than instant anti wrinkle cream because serums are formulated with tiny molecules of natural ingredients. The tiny molecules enable the nutrients to penetrate easier and faster into the skin to stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The result is an instant face lift from wrinkles.