Finding a ghost in any house is quite hard without proper equipment. Ghost hunters or Paranormal investigators rely on the technology to find the ghost. They keep equipment that record images, videos, mysterious sounds, and other tools that help them find the ghost. With the help of these tools, they provide evidence of a suspected haunted place. The result shows the paranormal activities around the house that needs to fixed soon.
According to the research, it is known that the ghost manifest themselves at nights. The reason behind it are many but the most ghost hunters and investigators think is at night they feed themselves from our psychic energy. It is said that in day our minds are defensive as we are awake and our mind is occupied by life thoughts. But at night as we sleep, our mind defense system goes down and it gives easy access to the ghosts. That is the reason you see every ghost hunter work at night.
Hunters use special equipment to hunt the ghosts and paranormal activities. In this article, we will look at those famous spiritshack ghost hunting technology in order to successfully hunt a ghost and find evidence. These gadgets are used by almost all hunters over the years.
Hunters use special equipment to hunt the ghosts and paranormal activities. In this article, we will look at those famous ghost hunting technology in order to successfully hunt a ghost and find evidence. These gadgets are used by almost all hunters over the years.
1. EVP Detector
We all have seen in the ghost-hunting TV series and on Internet that investigators use an electronic voice recorder to do an EVP session. EVP stands for “Electric Voice Phenomena” and is capable of picking up the sounds that are inaudible to the human ear. This tool is essential to record the sounds of any ghost near you. It also helps you recall things that happened while hunting.
Tip: We will suggest you while doing question and answer session you should ask questions that are related to the place and who is spirit with which you are trying to communicate. Lets take an example here, suppose you are trying to talk with a child who died in 1920, so you should ask him/her about toys and dolls but not about video games as they are invented after 1920.
2. Camera
The second most equipment is camera. Most smartphones have HD camera but they are not capable of real night vision or infrared capture. So on your mobile you have to use the flash to see anything during capturing of image. But ghost tend to manifest themselves in the dark where little to no light is present. So it’s better to use the cameras with infrared function. With infrared enabled cameras, you can easily record paranormal activity in the darkness without need of the light or flash. The lights cause some other issues as well like if you use flash you can’t see the flashlight beam in the room or outside.
Tip: Sometimes paranormal activities doesn’t happen in the dark and happens in the day light so in some cases you can use your mobile phone camera instead of infrared enabled cameras.
3. Infrared Thermometer
Next on our list is Infrared thermometer. A common thermometer can only measure the temperature in a given environment and not for haunted places. An infrared thermometer can measure the instant temperature drop of specific area or specific object with a laser. They help to guess at which place the ghost is as where the ghost is that area’s temperature goes down. The ghosts take the heat away from the spot and make it cold that gives us sign that ghost is here. Before buying any infrared thermometer we suggest you to buy the one that can measure the ambient temperature.
Tip: We suggest you not to point your thermometer on the windows or metal usually in the cold times as they will indicate much more colder temperature than the ambient temperature that can make you think the ghost is here but in real it was not there. This could lead you to misinterpretation so be careful.
4. EMF Gauge
If it is true that ghosts are made up of energy holds, then EMF Gauge is a necessary tool to keep while haunting ghosts. It will help you to find the fluctuations in the magnetic field in a given spot that may be caused by ghost presence. However, it is not necessary that every reading shown by the EMF gauge is true as in the house the appliances can generate electromagnetic fields and EMF gauge can catch these fields resulting into spike in the EMF Gauge. You need to be careful that the fields are not nature or from the manmade sources.
Tip: If you don’t want to use EMF Gauge, a compass can take it place. They work the same way as EMF Gauge. You need to watch the needle movement that if it is having problem while finding the magnetic north that it means there is something at that spot mostly a ghost or spirit.
The above equipment are the most common ones that every ghost-haunter use. If you are going on a journey of haunting then we recommend you to keep these tools with you as they will help you a lot. Moreover, you can take headphones, two-way radios, flashlight, and infrared thermal imaging camera. We hope this article will help you to successfully end you ghost-haunting journey and keeps you space.