Office work is hard and dangerous work. “Well, I won’t believe it for anything!” You say. It is easier to learn everything by comparison. For some, wiping your pants on a chair is not work at all, but an idle pastime. Another thing is to “plow” somewhere at a construction site or in a stuffy shop.
However, white collars and clerks are also at risk of injury at work. This is not about a spilled hot coffee or a printer that has fallen on the leg, but about serious mental illness. Below are 10 quite dangerous diseases that office workers can face and that can make their life difficult once and for all. Be considerate of yourself and your colleagues.
Table of Contents
1. Alcoholism
Yes, alcoholism is a result of a psychological disorder a person’s dependency on alcohol and other drugs often coexist with other mental disorders. Identifying the exact mental disorder in such cases is not very easy.
Clinics should consider running a different diagnosis to identify the exact disorder. Different ways such as residential rehab can be beneficial for the recovery of alcoholics.
2. Automatic Obedience
It is a phenomenon of excessive obedience a manifestation of “command automatism. This mental disorder is characterized by an almost hypnotic state, from which only a doctor can withdraw.
3. Aggressiveness
In general, this is a biological feature of organisms lower than humans. This is a component of behavior that is included in certain situations to meet vital needs and eliminate the danger posed by the environment but not to achieve destructive goals.
If we are talking about a person, the definition expands to the following: harmful behavior (normal or painful) directed against others and oneself and motivated by hostility, anger, or rivalry. Perhaps today this mental disorder is in trend.
4. Agitation
Expressed anxiety and motor agitation are accompanied by anxiety. People who can be suspected of this type of mental disorder can be observed in the vicinity of offices and other habitats of the leadership.
5. Claustrophobia
It is a pathological fear of confined spaces or enclosed spaces. Spending most of their lives in cramped offices where you can barely walk between desks, the office worker is at risk of being claustrophobic like no other.
6. Nihilistic Delirium
A nihilistic delirium is a form of delusion, expressed primarily in the form of a severe depressive state and characterized by negative ideas concerning one’s personality and the surrounding world.
For example, the idea that the outside world does not exist, or that one’s own body has ceased to function. One could call this disorder quite “fashionable”, if not for the dire consequences.
7. The Flight of Ideas
A form of thinking disorder usually associated with a manic or hypomanic mood and often felt subjectively as a pressure of thoughts.
How to recognize? The person speaks quickly, really fast, without pauses. Speech associations are free. They quickly arise and disappear under the influence of transient factors or for no apparent reason. The person is constantly distracted, often rhymes and puns. The flow of ideas can be so strong that the patient can hardly express it, so his speech sometimes becomes incoherent.
In general, having read the definition of the term for the first time, you can hardly believe that this is about a disease, and not about the marketing and promotion department, or, for example, not about brainstorming in the design department.
After reading it again, you begin to think that just the other day I tried to rock a rock, but instead of joyful applause, I only got a look from my colleagues from under the brows. Maybe they are aware of this diagnosis?
8. An Attack of Panic
It is a sudden attack of severe fear and anxiety, in which signs and symptoms of painful anxiety become dominant and result in irrational behavior. What is a characteristic? Either extremely low activity or aimless agitate.
The catalyst for an attack can be both a serious threat and stress. The most unpleasant thing is that there may not be a catalyst. Panic will arise almost from scratch, with no preceding or provoking events. Simply because you are already in the process of neurosis and who is without neurosis now?
9. Irritability
It is a state of excessive excitement as a reaction to unpleasantness, intolerance, or anger with fatigue, chronic pain, or is a sign of a change in temperament. Irritability can result from age-related changes, head injuries, and manic-depressive disorders. For many office workers, this is a permanent state and for you too, right?
10. Dreamlike State
A dreamlike state is a state of upset consciousness, in which, against the background of a slight clouding of consciousness, the phenomena of depersonalization and deserialization occurs. And again – with whom it does not happen. It would be better not! It is necessary to get enough sleep and preferably not on the floor but at home under a blanket.
This is serious since dreamlike states can be one of the stages of organic disturbances of consciousness that lead to its twilight state. Simply put: a person is somewhere between sleep and reality.
The more you get feel tired and do not get enough sleep, the more difficult the form of sleep-like state will be. A person is at risk of encountering vivid, scenic visual hallucinations, which may be accompanied by other sensory hallucinations (a sleep-like state), sometimes observed in epilepsy and some acute psychotic diseases.
11. Stupor
It is a condition of partial or complete immobility and decreased psychomotor activity. Stupor can occur with depression, hysterical psychosis, and also as a reaction to stress. Therefore, when you say to one of your colleagues, “You seem to be in a stupor,” make sure that everything is in order with him.
Final Words
Unlike physical illness psychological disorders are hard to identify. A person suffering from mental health issues is often judged by others for having mood swings, anyone can suffer from them. Rather than judging people try to be supportive and helpful towards them.