People around the world will buy books that promise to break down the intricacies of ‘the Law of Attraction’ this year. The phrase has a certain allure to it, something that we all want to know more about. If we can think up what we want to attract, and actually attract it, then life would transform into a magical experience with presents around every corner.
It’s true that the Law of Attraction works – Anet Janik has experienced it firsthand. But it didn’t work for her when it was merely things that she wanted. Rather, it started to work for her when she became the change she wanted to attract into her life. You attract what you are, not what you want.
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What Does This Mean?
As human beings, we all carry the same amount of spiritual abundance. We all have the tools we need at our disposal to fulfill our divine purposes. We don’t need to buy anything from the store or do something special each morning to make it happen. The problem is that along the way, we forget that we have these tools in our toolbox. We fall prey to the systems in place that detach us from our spiritual abundance, and we begin to rely on surface-level desires and wants to change our reality.
When these ‘wants’ don’t change our reality, we assume that all effort is futile and to just give up. We accept mundane existences and figure that we were never meant to be sustainably happy.
She felt at one point almost like she was accepting it because she had a hard hand and a difficult life. She knew she could allow her past experiences to define her and her attitude, but one day she decided no. “I would not accept that, but challenge myself to start over in my mind. I realized that there is such a powerful energy force within us that when we connect with it, it makes anything we want happen.”
Your self-esteem and self-confidence are an essential part of your spiritual power. When you truly believe in yourself, you know that you can do anything you set your mind to. By believing that you will change certain things in your life, you will begin to actually change them. You will become new, and this new you will attract exactly what you have always wanted. Mere dreaming and hoping for these changes will not be enough.
Wield Your Spiritual Currency
Remember: we all carry the same amount of spiritual currency. You are at no less of a disadvantage than the person down the street. You are their equal, yet how you choose to use that spiritual currency is up to you.
When life can feel so out of our control, we are susceptible to slipping into the shadows and accepting defeat. Anet says to challenge yourself to rise up and attract what you want into your life, by changing yourself first. We all know it’s not easy, which is why she offers VIP one-on-one coaching to help you unlock your deepest desires, curating the life you have always wanted for yourself.
You are worthy of happiness and change. You just need to believe it first.