Workplace accidents are on the rise. Are you doing everything in your power to keep your employees safe?
You’re not alone. Every year, thousands of workers are injured or killed while at work. It can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to keeping your workplace safe for everyone who enters it each day, but we have some tips that will help you get started!
Here are 7 workplace safety tips that will help ensure a safer environment for all of your employees and visitors. By following these steps, you can reduce injuries and save lives – which is something every business owner wants! Let us show you how easy it is to make sure everyone stays safe at work with these simple yet effective strategies.
Keep reading to see how to make your workplace safer straight away!
Table of Contents
1. Understand the Risks
First things first – you have to understand what dangers, hazards, and potential risks are present in your workplace. A good start would be to conduct a risk assessment, which will help identify exactly where any dangers lie. You can also include employee input if they feel more comfortable identifying specific concerns through their own knowledge of the workplace.
2. Identify Solutions
Once you’ve identified all of the potential problems in your office or on-site, it’s time to find ways to combat them. Having a set solution is helpful as it means there’s no room for misinterpretation – everyone knows exactly how they should stay safe during working hours, for example by putting on protective gloves when doing certain tasks. This could be anything from wearing high visibility clothing when in work vehicles to avoiding working at height.
3. Train Your Workforce
At the end of the day, it’s up to each individual worker to make sure they take extra care when carrying out their tasks – or to realize that certain tasks are simply too dangerous for them. It could be that someone isn’t wearing the right protective equipment because they aren’t aware of what dangers there are when using a specific tool.
To combat this, you need to train your employees thoroughly about potential risks and how to avoid them. Keep everyone updated on any new methodologies or procedures during training sessions so everyone remembers how best to keep themselves safe around the office or site.
4. Don’t Neglect Maintenance
One aspect which often slips by is regular equipment maintenance. Every piece of machinery and equipment in your workplace needs to be regularly inspected and maintained in order to avoid any danger. Make sure you schedule regular checks into your calendar, and that procedures are in place that detail what exactly should be done during inspection – this can differ depending on the type of tools or machinery being used.
5. Ensure Work Areas Are Clean
Another often-overlooked aspect is the cleanliness of your workplaces, particularly if they’re busy places with lots going on all at once. If you don’t keep the floors clear of clutter, for example, it’s easy for someone to slip over or injure themselves while carrying out their tasks. Also, make sure there are spills left unattended which afford a risk of someone slipping or burning themselves.
6. Involve Your Whole Workforce
Finally, it’s important to encourage everyone in the workplace to remain aware of potential risks and how best to avoid them. If you have a union, this is something that can be discussed with them – just ensure that employees are aware of their own responsibilities when it comes to safety too. It’s always useful to include everyone in any training sessions so they know exactly what dangers exist around the office, and how best to combat them if they spot any.
7. Promote Accident Awareness
The last key aspect is the promotion of accident awareness throughout the business – before anything happens which could cause injury or damaged equipment. This means that everyone will be on high alert for possible dangers and will be prepared to combat them as soon as possible. You can do this by:
Using health and safety slogans on posters around the office or site, such as “safety is everyone’s responsibility”.
Including information about potential dangers in all training sessions, so employees are aware of their responsibilities for keeping themselves safe. Make sure there’s a designated first aider available at all times if someone gets injured.
Holding meetings with your whole workforce if any accidents have occurred recently – it could be that there were warning signs before the accident which you weren’t aware of. No one should feel excluded from these conversations either, even those who have been involved in an accident – they may also be able to some important insights into other areas which need to be improved.
If you have had an injury at work, you should look into a personal injury settlement.
Want More Workplace Safety Advice?
We hope you have found this article in providing 7 tips to maintain a safe workplace environment. Working in a safe environment is important for everyone. We all know to wear our seatbelt while driving, use the stairs instead of an elevator when possible, and always put out any fires that we see before they get too big. The same should apply at work as well!
Take these 7 tips with you on your next visit to the office supply store or when you’re thinking about making changes in an existing space so that everyone feels at home and safe.
If you are interested, check out our blog for more workplace safety tips and workplace health and safety tips about how you can create a safer working experience for all involved.